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Posts posted by RDG_RCR

  1. My light just came on too! I am living in PA now though so i have to make a trip happened. Montgomery Mini gave me a quote for 600 on the front alone :banghead: I very quickly decided I am going to do them myself.


    I want to upgrade them. Any one have preferences?


    It really just depends on your driving style and how you plan to use your car. If you don't plan on racing or any aggressive driving find something similar to stock, but with maybe less dust (and possibly cheaper) You won't need anything with a high heat tolerance, so find something that has good cold bite.

  2. See my edit above, I already took it back.



    :congrats: I thought I was being trolled... you should have kept on. So how it was broken down, Duane received two print outs when he got his trophy, it had the points earned from qualifying and it had the points earned from the race. Different print outs from what we recieved.

  3. All I know is that the computer says I came 3rd. Our spectators (Laura & Susan) said that it clearly showed me in 3rd place at the end of the race... yet the printouts they used for podium only showed 2 laps and put you 3rd, me 4th.


    As far as average lap goes - the same link that Craig found shows mine as 26.021, yours as 26.149. Extremely close, but hey, that's what the computer says. Yes, you had a better "best lap", but one lap does not make a race.


    Nice trying to claw it back though. :biggrin:



    Mish....Ummm you are completely wrong, look at the times, I finished 1st in the race and my best time was 25.039! Your best lap was 25.2. The print out that was handed out of the actual race was only the first two laps, if you read the actual link Craig posted you will see all the details.


    Nice try though!

  4. AWESOME! :top:


    <ahem> Tyler... I think you owe me your 3rd place trophy... and you didn't believe me! :tongue:



    LOL, I don't think you read that correctly, I have multiple laps faster than your fastest lap. Can't touch this!


    EDIT: AAAnd my average lap time is a 1/2 sec faster than yours, but regardless, you did very well.


    EDIT again: Also, the final points score was based on how you did during qualifying and the race (which is dumb in my opinion)


    Qualifying: 1. Mark

    2. Duane

    3. Me


    Race: 1. Me

    2. Mark

    3. Mish

    4. Duane


    Though if it wasn't for the restart Duane would have finished 1st in the race unless he really screwed up and spun out (like he did after the restart).

  5. I like the idea of stripes, but the way it wraps around the front bumper almost looks like clown make up, maybe Ali's idea of orange will change that a bit. (Gulf'ish)


    Martini livery is awesome!











    I like the way it wraps around the headlights and rear fenders....checked flags optional, but I think making it a solid color on the bottom would look cleaner.

  6. Yes the run is on Sunday, he loved it so more people could attend and forgot that I had to work, so I will not be attending, so it really is a mistress run lol



    hmm.... This may be a possibility now.


    EDIT: LOL!! 21* and windy? Nope!! :( Have fun guys! If the weather changes for the better I may be able to make it out.

  7. I also really like the design. It's like it tells a story and it's uncomplicated.




    I agree with you Ali, I interpret it as, "It takes Ali so long to complete the dragon that it dies and rots to the bone before she can finish" :motor:

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