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Posts posted by RDG_RCR

  1. Open invite to C&C and the Get Your Lotus Out event.


    Our 8th Get Your Lotus Out Event will be held on Sunday, August 17th, 2014, at the East Market At Fair Lakes shopping center, from 8:00AM - 10:30AM.


    We hold the Cars & Coffee events in front of the Starbucks in the East Market at Fair Lakes shopping center - there's also a Kohl's and a Dick's Sporting Goods in the complex. East Market at Fair Lakes is about a 5 minute drive from the intersection of 66 & 286 (Fairfax County Parkway) in Fairfax, VA. You can use your Navigationicon1.png system or MapQuest this parking lot, using the address for Kohl's -


    12551 Fair Lakes Circle

    Fairfax, VA 22033

  2. Well, it's officially OFF :frown:. SMOKIE will not be taking TX for MTTS :banghead:.


    Had to make the hard decision :idea: between making the trip and making my mortgage payment :visa:.


    Yes, Katie... I finally found a home :van: :top:!


    So those of you that I made plans with in Tejas :map:, I will have to hear about the long :boring: trek through the plains when you return. Maybe over a few creme sodas :cheers:and "Cream Soda" paint :deal: at the new crib! :biggrin:


    Here are a few more Smilies for you lovers of emoticons!




    Awesome, you can come hang with Team Slowtus when Sara leaves for MTTS! :love:;)

  3. The import call that Tyler and I were both in was won by a straight factory 2013 Fiat 500 abath. The owner work for the office putting on the event, so he scored the fiend vote.


    Still any day I am at a car show instead of work is a good day


    Exactly, a free day from work to look at cars is all the awards I need. Unfortunately I didn't wear sunscreen and now I am paying the price.

  4. Now, back to the originally posted issue. I have to wonder if it's a combination of a few things that see an increase in your MPG. 1) Warmer temps (as noted above), 2) Better aerodynamics, and 3) Driving differently because in a lowered car, you are a little more cautions about road hazards...


    LOL, not sure if serious! Wrong thread :biggrin:! or great trolling!

  5. Hey All,


    My Vinyl stripes have faded anywhere where a line drawn tangent to the curve on the car is nearly horizontal, where the stripes are vertical they're fine. For a 2012 MINI this seems more than a bit fast (especially since I first noticed it a year ago) Talking to Alexandria MINI I have been informed that Never Before in the ENTIRE history of MINI has this occurred, and therefore it must be user damage. (Considering that Alex MINI has been the one doing all of the car washing I'm a bit confused, maybe there was a chemical attack on one of the DoD sites I work on that we never knew about?!?)


    Since my every experience with Alex MINI has been horrific (the car is back in the shop Yet Again, where it lives a minimum of a few times a quarter) I am having serious trouble believing them. Could you let me know if your vehicle (or someone you know's vehicle) has had this issue? Right now the best offer is that they pay for the stripes and I pay $240 for the reinstall.


    My stripes are silver & blue since I have a blue & silver coupe.




    Hard to tell without pics, Sara has a 2012 and her stripes are fading as well, but I'm not sure how much worse yours might be. As Craig posted, alot of factors can contribute, if you car spends alot of time in direct sunlight (no garage/parking garage) or if you haven't waxed/coated them it can accelerate the fading process... or ALIENS!!!

  6. I'm having some trouble getting my cutter to cut the cling material. I probably need a new blade. :( I won't be able to have them done by Saturday. Let me know when your next autocross is and I'll try to have some by then.







    No worries, they next one after this isn't till May so we have plenty of time, though I may run with your BMW group for extra seat time.

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