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Posts posted by RDG_RCR

  1. Came across a pretty good deal on an akropovic dp on NAM that I couldn't pass up. Arrived today and I installed in my driveway. Installation was a surprisingly easy, despite these gargantuan hands and only having rhino ramps.


    How do I like it? I'll put it this way...whatever buyer's remorse I may have had about dropping money on a car I didn't really drive anymore...was IMMEDIATELY wiped away the second I gave her a slight rev in the driveway.


    All smiles here, the flame has been rekindled between my mini and I. :biggrin:


    Awesome, they make great products!! Haven't seen you post in a while, welcome back.

  2. Picking up Toys from the dealers is good and all, but would anyone be interested in an actual event to gather toys? In the past I organized a car show that required a toy for entry and I have been to events where a performance shop (cough cough PTuning) hosted a big meet/bbq and entry was a toy (shop provided food).

  3. After karting you should come to the car show... :biggrin:


    I just mapquested it, it will only add 30mins to our return trip. I'll bring up to the guys and see what they say




    Count me in for SP. I'll try and make Car and Coffee.




    I was wondering if you going to chime in!

  4. Probably won't make it out to cars and coffee given it's early start and I'm up in Montgomery Co...but I'm definitely up for Karting. Just need some details, time, etc.


    Sounds good, we are looking to arrive at SP at 1200 (when they open) there is a special event starting at 2pm so its a small window, but should be more than enough time. SP is roughly an hour from Katie's so we will need to there between 1045-1100. I'll pm you with my number.




    Hey Tyler, why don't you invite Jeremy?!



    I'll send him a text

  5. I definitely think this is something the new board can take up for consideration as a revision of the bylaws. It's just too soon to make anything happen for this election.


    Definately :top: You guys could even "televise" it. Set up a webcam so "out of staters" or people who are stuck at home/out of town (if there is enough interest of course) can hear all the speaches.

  6. I definitely think this is something the new board can take up for consideration as a revision of the bylaws. It's just too soon to make anything happen for this election.


    Definately :top: You guys could even "televise" it. Set up a webcam so "out of staters" or people who are stuck at home/out of town (if there is enough interest of course) can hear all the speaches.

  7. I checked the bylaws and unfortunately you must be present to vote




    1. The President shall have the responsibility of overseeing the election, except when the President is one of the candidates (for re-election). In this case, the election shall be overseen by another board director who is not a candidate.


    2. All election candidates shall be given an opportunity to briefly speak at the annual meeting to introduce themselves and campaign for their candidacy, prior to voting. This speech is optional and no candidate shall be compelled to speak.


    3. Voting

    a. Voting will be by secret ballot.

    b. Voting will be by members in good standing, present at the time and place of the meeting designated for the election.

    c. In cases of a tie, a second ballot between the tied candidates shall take place. If a tie still exists, candidates tied will participate in a coin toss to determine the winner.


    4. Ballots will include all nominees. Last minute write-in candidates are permissible, and space shall be provisioned on ballots to allow for this.


    5. Ballots will be collected and votes recorded by an Elections Committee. The Board of Directors will appoint the Chair of the Elections Committee.


    6. Certification

    a. The President will verify the results and present the new Board of Directors for installation at the time of the election.



    I like how at first glance this seems professional and serious, then you keep reading and see that a tie decided by a COIN TOSS!


    Serious question, who determines the election procedures? Is it something decided by the current or previous administration or is it required to be run this way due to the clubs legal status as a non-profit or recognized organization? If it is something the club itself can control, why not for future elections open it up to online/absentee type voting?

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