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Everything posted by Brandy_Brown

  1. My Gus is a beautiful baby, he makes George look so small. Did not realize how big English bulldogs were when I said I wanted one. But he is a great lap dog at 70 pounds LOL and he loves his MINI's, Possibly will bring him to the photo shoot in DC in Feb. Only issue is he gets in and does not want to get out. Corey said he put the rest of the pictures of him "helping" on that link. I am proudly asking anyone who would like to help him the garage to come on over. I know a little about working on a car and don't mind helping when it is warm, Not a fan of doing it in a non heated garage when it is below 50 degrees. PLEASE come help him so I don't have to do it, LOL. I guess my main part will come with cleaning the parts since I am sure I can handle that. But between helping with the takedown of the bought engine and then unhooking everything with this one and getting it ready to come out, I am pretty much well beyond my helping. I think he needs some guy time LOL
  2. the one here on Quantico has lifts, Corey will take you and help do the work if you want to travel down here
  3. I can promise there will be no flames, i love the ones on Tigger but i could never do it, maybe if I had chosen pink instead. I think neon orange flames would be a little to much, I like her clean with a little makeup, Now to get the rest of the chrome off, got to figure out a way to do the door handles, Any Ideas?
  4. Corey was redoing the mirrors and gas cap. decided to paint them as opposed to PD. So he primed, painted, wet sanded, and clear coated. He also blacked out the scuddles and painted the "S" the same orange. After much debate, we decided to also do the scoop, What does everyone thing Good or a little to much. We are on the fence. Sorry for the glare took the photos with my phone.
  5. shirts ordered and invoice paid
  6. Hey Lona I can definitely do registration, and might be able to be a run leader, Marine wife, does that count? As long as I am not the leading car as I have only done this once before. Just got word that Corey will not be out of town till the following day but I don't think he would want to lead in Watson.
  7. Hi there I am interested in number 8. My husband broke mine.
  8. Is this still happening due to this horrible weather:questionmark:
  9. ok i saw this and was encouraged to post some of mine, Please keep in mind I am very much a beginner and using a decent camera, mine are untouched as I am not good with photoshop yet. female cardinal eating on my back porch log in the water as we hiked my middle daughter on a hike our trip to Niagara to purchase Watson, Very beautiful, frozen and extremely cold, never again
  10. Haha yeap, now i have driven every style mini other than the roadster, and i am in no hurry to do that, Thanks Catalina for allowing me to drive yours,:motor: Now i know that i like the little ones but still think the next one will be a countryman.:top:
  11. It was a lot of fun, the bunnies and other animals kept my girls busy for most of the day. It was great to see everyone that came. Got some sunburn sitting outside even though it was great to have nice weather. They had a lot of minis for sale and some of the newer lines like the bond street clubman but i agree it is a little confusing. They have them set up all over the place.
  12. While Ebony was in the shop, I was told there were some noticeable carbon deposits. I think I am going to have Corey do it this weekend. I have to put him to works while he is between projects on Watson.
  13. Brandy_Brown


  14. Brandy_Brown

    Ebony 2

    From the album: Ebony

  15. Brandy_Brown


    From the album: Ebony

  16. I thought it would get the Ali seal of approval
  17. thanks, I looked up buying new mirror covers 225 bucks:frown: but a can of pd is 8 bucks:top: easy choice
  18. Spring is in the air, time to plasti-dip something. I thought what would say look at me :questionmark: :idea: NEON ORANGE mirrors. Only think I found was how much my orange stripe from last year has faded, just have to freshen that up.
  19. Thanks for the CAI and heat shield they look and work great in there new home. Had to give it a coat of orange engine paint to go with the mini's accents
  20. he is the Picasso of PD. They look really good.
  21. so after taking off her sun dried icky ones, decided that i did not like her without them, after pricing new ones thought came into mind plasti-dip. Here is the stages and finished product. Gunmetal grey main stripes with Blaze orange accent to match the lights inside. Going to make hubby open his own plasti dip install shop out of our garage, lol
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