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Everything posted by Brandy_Brown

  1. We will be there at 7
  2. Guys this is coming up quick! This is an important event for the club. You get to out in a say on who is on your board, learn more about what is going on behind the scenes and get free food. Please come if you can!
  3. You guys should be pretty close to where the C3M group is if they left on time.
  4. We are on I-80 Mile marker 202. We are staying in Detroit for dinner with Steph
  5. Change of my plans, I won't be there but Corey and the girls will be. I work on Saturdays and after being off for 2 weeks for his return I can take another one! I swore this was on a Sunday too darn it, really need to read the dates on the calendar , lol
  6. Does anyone remember how much tolls were total from here to there? And the bridge there, I want to have cash set aside to pay for other MINI's like last time.
  7. Yes of course, the more DCMM the better We will definitely have to plan the morning meet up so we can try and get close to the front again.
  8. Weinerlicious on Friday is perfect!! We are in!
  9. I thought you were not available to do that, we are up for anything!
  10. Notes say 6:30, I will probably be late as I am at work that day and don't get off until 6
  11. Hi Stacy and welcome to the club. Several of us made the trip 2 years ago. We left northern va and went to Detroit to pick up others and then headed to the Mack after a good sleep.it is about a 12 hour trip. And not a lot of fun roads but it's an awesome experience. A few of us are going again this year along with several from other area clubs.
  12. Brandy_Brown


    We might be a little late, I don't get off until 6 and have to grab the kids before heading out, we will be there but might be a little late
  13. <p>July 29, 2017</p> <p> </p> <p>This year we're hosting at a house! </p> <p> </p> <p>Devin and Corinne will be hosting</p> <p> </p> <p>Start time will be noon </p> <p> </p> <p>The address is </p> <p> </p> <p>256 East King James Street</p> <p>Purcellville, VA 20132</p> <p> </p> <p>The club supplies grilling meats, fixings and some light refreshments. </p> <p>We ask that each person bring a side dish or dessert to share.</p> <p> </p> <p>It would be helpful if people can also bring chairs and maybe some folding tables.</p> <p> </p> <p>This event is free to members and they can bring one guest (kids are free), non members pay $5 (Cash only please)</p> <p> </p> <p>We'll need volunteers for set up and clean up. They have a huge yard so if you have some sort of games to bring that would be great.</p> <p> </p> <p>We are trying to plan a run out there so if anyone is interested in helping please let one of the board members know</p>
  14. July 29, 2017 This year we're hosting at a house! Devin and Corinne will be hosting Start time will be noon The address is 256 East King James Street Purcellville, VA 20132 The club supplies grilling meats, fixings and some light refreshments. We ask that each person bring a side dish or dessert to share. It would be helpful if people can also bring chairs and maybe some folding tables. This event is free to members and they can bring one guest (kids are free), non members pay $5 (Cash only please) We'll need volunteers for set up and clean up. They have a huge yard so if you have some sort of games to bring that would be great. We are trying to plan a run out there so if anyone is interested in helping please let one of the board members know
  15. Super sad! We will miss you guys!
  16. I am in for Nila, Maryland requirements and ceramic
  17. Hopefully I will be able to make the rescheduled event
  18. I asked that same question! Not really sure of the route since we are not planning on going to Detroit this time I believe, but if you are borrowing a car I guess that changes things, me and corey will possibly making a stop there on the way home to have some work done to Nila by Detroit Tuned.
  19. What slot did I get?
  20. I sent him my info and he wrote back quickly if he could send the invoice to that email and then I have heard nothing and have not received this invoice
  21. I just sent him my list.
  22. Crap I knew I forgot to finish doing something, got to finish registering, had to get the license plate number since it's not personal yet I don't ever remember it! Hotel for there has been booked for months, and hopefully the co-pilot will be home to come, if not Caylee it is as it's her bday.
  23. We need 24 items, it doesn't matter what item you choose, just need 24 in total
  24. I have a 2014, my phone was paired with my car prior to me buying a Fermin watch that it is now connected to. I have no issues with my phone connecting now. So I am sure the Fitbit is no different. I am not technical in anyway of telling you how to do it but I am sure t can be done. I think all I did was go into phone on my car and pair Bluetooth.
  25. Welcome to the club! Can't wait to see that beautiful cars and you guys at an event
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