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Posts posted by TATTRAT

  1. If you're going to do "rubbing" alcohol, aka Isopropyl Alcolhol (IPA), I'd dilute it first, probably 50/50 with water and try it in an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't have an adverse effect on the tint.


    - Darryl


    So, try Windex? Same composition for the most part.


    I am tempted to see if there has been any color leaching now, not that it matters to me too bad, I rock the DCMM cling for a reason. perhaps if it shadows into things, then I can stop bugging laura for new clings.

  2. Man, no one EVER waves back at me......I passed 3 mini's on Arlington Ridge Road just this morning and no luck....


    I am an over waver. I wave at every MINI I see, no BS. I am lucky if I get 3 in a week back.


    I will not let it discourage me, and I certainly won't be part of the "let the wave die" people (there isn't anyone here with that mindset) I just think the wave separates the MINI Lover from the MINI owner/commuter, and MINI is "just another car".

  3. As long as they are the real DTM's then i say do it! Its a killer Motorsport wheel.


    I never have understood this mindset. . . if they are "real". . . seriously, there are knock offs of everything that is fashionable known to man, yet, "So long as they are real". . .what's it matter if they are or not? It's asking about how they look. does having it be "real deal" mean they look better?


    Real or "fake", it's the same look.

  4. for the 4rd time now, I pass TIGGER and Ali on 14th st NW, honk, wave, the whole 9 as I have now gotten in the mindset that I will see Ali. . . . but alas, nothing. Not a wave, not a mere acknowledgement. TIGGER doesn't like Li Ili'i Ka'a, or, dare I say, for such an enthusiastic MINI lover, Ali is not a wave'r.




    Ali, I will keep on the look out still, but honestly, I think the folks that see me honking at you and giving a quick WOOT know me as "that MINI Guy", whereas you just keep passing me by.


    I'm sure we will connect at some point, I will hug my outside lane, you stay in your outside lane, and we will eventually high five at the whopping 3mph we pass on another at.

  5. Hey Jono


    I always enjoy your work. These are great shots, my favorite is the timed exposure. It draws me in with the ghostly shadows and the tunnel. Your eye gets drawn right into that black hole of a tunnel. It works really well :top:


    thanks so much, Ali!!!!

  6. I can't believe I missed you. I wasn't even listening to music, I had WTOP on. Where were you on the other side of the road? I'm going to guess it was around 5:20 - 5:30 tonight


    Here's your wave :itsme:

    and another one :wavey:


    Yeah, I was in traffic, stopped, as were you, right around 5:15, was on my way to pick Dana up from work. No worries though, but it was nice to see ya!

  7. What are the pro's and con's of the Bentley vs. Haynes manuals? Would one fit Catalina's needs more than the other?


    Bentley is REALLY comprehensive, a VERY thorough book, not that Haynes isn't, BUT Bentley Manuals can read like rocket science sometimes, whereas Haynes Guides are a little easier to use/follow(imo).


    Bentley Manuals are pricey too, but you DO get what you pay for. Like I said, they are full of LOADS of details, and delve into some more technical aspects that the average Joe, or Jane, might find intimidating.

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