Ok, so I need to distract myself from the government closure. My latest obsession is steering techniques. But I'm also wondering about braking techniques in the turns.
I was taught hand over hand turning in High School, but I now realize that is not the best way to steer. Last year at the Dragon I heard talk of shuffle steering and push/pull steering. So I did my own research and thought the push pull looks like it gives the most control. Then I realized there are basically two schools of thought on that. Hands high (2:00 / 10:00) or hands low (5:00 /7:00). So I have experimented with both and yapped with Craig about it. I like the lower hand position better. Mostly because in the upper hand position instinct kicks in and I keep doing hand over hand, but from the lower position I remember that I'm trying push/ pull. Given this obsession I have watched carefully on Top Gear. Jeremy pretty much does hand over hand with his hands mostly at 3:00/ 9:00, Richard does the push pull method from below, and I can't really get a good look at James. They never show the stig in a turn but his hands are always at 3:00 - 9:00.
So then comes decelerating into a turn. I have mostly heard don't use your brakes use your engine and down shift. Then at the Falls Color Run, one of the guys said that brakes are cheaper then engines and he uses his brakes.
Now I'm sure with this there are probably better times to use your brakes and better times to use your engine. I tend to be very literal and try to do the same thing all the time.
So what do you guys do? Thoughts?