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Everything posted by Jeremy1026

  1. Best part is, I can't even be at it, since I'm moving that day. :banghead:
  2. http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dc-metro-minis-archive/104000-sat-july-14th-5-00pm-dinner-6-30pm-movie-dcmm-dinner-and-a-drive-in.html http://dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthre
  3. GRRRR!!! Thanks for stealing my event.
  4. Loved the video, especially the 3:15 mark when the double yellow line became optional.
  5. It certainly was a great day for motoring. I like how when traffic opened up...so did the throttle :rock:
  6. CR/B Clubman S - 5:15pm - 695E @ Cromwell Bridge Road We road together around to I-95 where you broke off south I believe.
  7. I'm out of this event. Work doesn't want to cooperate, so while there are 50 MINIs traveling around 495, I'll be at work.
  8. Awesome. I am pumped for this. Do you know the approx. cost of the lunch?
  9. January 16th 2010
  10. I also would have no problem swinging by and picking them up Laura. I think I'm a bit closer then Katie is.
  11. Yeah, I had a long day yesterday, and waking up at 7am wasn't going to happen.
  12. Does Christine live next door or something :rofl:
  13. Whats the rules for cabrios?
  14. Mom and I were the same way. She kept saying, might want to slow down a bit at this one, so I drifted to the turn and then took it w
  15. From the scenic overlook. (I'm gonna go through it tomorrow and clean it up to match the brightness and what not.)
  16. Photos can be found here!
  17. Great run. My pictures will have to wait, as I got called from work on the way home. Will post a link when they are up.
  18. Bill, what time will you be leaving your house? Want to get togther closer to home and ride to Frederick together?
  19. If you want an extra pair of hands and want to take a ride to Baltimore, give me a call
  20. You could totally do it yourself, in about an hour if you take you time.
  21. I believe it was was taken at Columbia Mall.
  22. I remember that one Maxi, I like it.
  23. And another from last night. This one had minor retouching done to take away a bit of the background light.
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