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Everything posted by Jeremy1026

  1. Thanks for stopping by Bill! I will be making this run tonight, probably won't be as much fun since I wont have a half dozen MINIs along with me.
  2. Hey Chris, would you like for me to bring anything?
  3. Great night, great company. I think we even recruited 2 new members . Thank you MoA!
  4. Looked like a good time, I spent the night at my sisters and didn't feel like waking up early .
  5. If keeping warranty is a top priority your best bet is to go with the JCW suspension. GreenCactus recently got it put on her MCS, so you might want to talk to her about her experience going from the stock suspension to JCW suspension.
  6. If you have the standard suspension on your JCW then you have the same thing as a stock MCS. If you have the JCW suspension (a $1255+installation upgrade) on your JCW then you have an upgraded version which offers a couple of different part upgrades (specifically I am not sure as to what is changed.) Dan, why couldn't this special be next month . I'm gonna be broke until early next month.
  7. Yum, YiaYia's was great. Hope you guys had a good run to the races and back.
  8. To see the majority of posts you have to be a paying member of DCMM. While I don't necessarily agree with that policy, that is how the board choose to operate the forums.
  9. Here are a bunch from when I took delivery of my new MINI. Final odometer reading from Itercide: A final hug goodbye: First peak around the corner: From the front: Waiting to be set free: Me and my MA: Time to air out the interior: Ready to roll: John Cooper Works: Getting the walkthrough on my options: Pulling out of the dealership: Odometer reading before leaving the lot:
  10. Thanks for coming out everyone. The weather played very nicely and the rain held off for almost the entire night. But, as wolf said, it only rained for about 5 minutes there. Wolf: Thanks for coming, I'm glad you enjoyed the evening. Also thanks fo
  11. Show off, my MINI will be nice and dirty, as I cant wash it due to my knee
  12. I'll see everyone tonight I'm bringing some bug spray, so if you forget it or just don't want to bring some, I'll be sharing.
  13. Alright folks. Tomorrow I am putting in the final count, so...LAST CALL. This is the last call for dinner!
  14. Great scenery Dan. Really makes your MCS pop.
  15. This weekends movies are up. 8:30 - Up 10:15 - The Proposal 12:15 - The Hangover Seems like a good line up of movies for the evening, should be a great night!
  16. Alright maybe's, what should I tell the restaurant. I will likely be calling the restaurant either Monday or Tuesday.
  17. Giving a friendly bump since we are about a week away from this event.
  18. Here is my little guy. Isn't he just green with joy!
  19. Sounds like this one is a blast, I hope that my knee is healed up enough so spirited driving by this time. I don't see why it won't be.
  20. I'd think getting the angle on normal stripes would be harder then doing viper stripes. But, if you don't want to try, then I'll 2nd Speed Design in Whitemarsh, VERY reasonable prices.
  21. Shoot CR&PW&JB a PM. He likes to install stripes and will help you put them on. And he is an all around good guy.
  22. A week prior to the event, so July 25th. Answer to VioletDC: They put up the weekends features on Wednesday's the week of. So it'll be kinda last minute as to what will be showing. You can almost bet that it'll be the #1 kids movie, the #1 PG-13 mo
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