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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. I'm gonna pretend that you didn't just say that, the duck is a clubby, what about the duck is different than all the other classics....Ali think about it:questionmark::questionmark::stupido2:
  2. You get points for finally having a classic shirt but I think it should have been a classic clubby!:rock:
  3. ya i lost my chargers in the move, o well its not like i can hear them anyways :dontknow:
  4. so....... any word on which movie is first tonight?
  5. UPS lost 2 of my wheels so the duck will be staying home so looks like Ill see yall down at Alexandria!
  6. just confirmed my RSVP! if my new wheels & tires get here in time the duck might make an appearance!
  7. That's why i dont worry about locking the duck most of the time.
  8. park it on the hill, im sure the insurance people value it higher than what you paid. Then you can start from scratch. #becauseracecar :top::motor:
  9. FLAMING TOWER OF ONION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:marshmellow:
  10. Who's near the beltway and wants to let me sleep on their coach/floor!?
  11. Moonshine is in Gatlinburg, liek 10 minutes from Pigeon Forge. Q ill txt you for your shopping list
  12. dont forget your adult beverages:beer: graham county is a dry county.:beerglass: if anyone is down early enough, Im gonna make a moodshine run out to gatlinburg on Monday to stock up for the week:cheers:
  13. no problems here
  14. 2 DAYS 21 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party::itsme::top::congrats::hahaha::pepsi: :marshmellow: :turtle::sheep::star::bootyshake::burnout: :cheers: :creep::dancing2::elephant::dancing::beer::aetsch::ciao::bike::thrasher::party::motor:
  15. the pigeon forge run is lunch than free for all so really you could head back after lunch if you want. I might be game for a dinner run but i gotta be back by 730 for the drive in movie
  16. Ill be leaving Sunday but James and I are hitting the road at 5. Maybe well run into you guys again :top:
  17. Registration .... DONE!!! #1!!!! :party: 106 Days 22 hours 45 minutes til departure!!!!:motor::rock::party::marshmellow: :sheep::cheers::aetsch::dancing:
  18. 127 DAYS 19 HOURS 35 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!! :party::rock::aetsch::bootyshake::burnout::beer: :elephant: :eating::star::sheep: :motor: :bootyshake::cheers: :turtle:: :eviltongue::party:
  19. where ever you find an open spot, theres 3 spots coned off for classics
  20. We're expecting 4-5 classics and if the weather is super nice mikes gonna bring the MOKE!!! :party:
  21. MoCo is offering a 20% off sale just for the meet n greet! There will also be special classic parking on the service side of the building, look for the duck!
  22. I got a pro clip after I tested out Quittas and I LOVE it!
  23. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! theres gonna be prizes & food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus im gonna be there!!!!! :party:
  24. i didnt get a chance to watch it but i dont get people who post videos of them driving stupid when they know how big a deal it is to drive safly around there
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