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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. <p>Come and join me for some oh so yummy crab cakes :eating: and movies on the BIGGEST movie theater screen in the U.S. on Saturday July 24th!!! </p> <p><img src="http://www.bengies.com/images/Photos/beam3.jpg" alt="beam3.jpg" /></p> <p>Like last time we'll meet up at By the Docks at 6:00 pm for some really yummy crab cakes!!! Then at about 7:30 or so we'll head over to Bengies Drive-In right around the corner! The first movie should start right after dark around 8:45 or so. <strong>Bengies takes CASH ONLY</strong>!! And all exterior lights must be off once you pass the box office, including daytime running lights. </p> <p> </p> <p>Things to bring: </p> <p>Money for dinner </p> <p><strong>CASH</strong> for the movie </p> <p>Bug spray </p> <p>blanket/sweatshirt (depending on the weather) </p> <p>lawn chairs (in case you don't want to sit in the car) </p> <p>*BRING A BUDDY, Bengies is no longer excepting single cars in during the peak of the season, so please buddy up for the movie and have a min. of 2 people in the car!*</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.bengies.com" rel="external nofollow">www.bengies.com</a></p> <p> </p> <p>*Please read Bengies House Rules*</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.bythedocks.com" rel="external nofollow">www.bythedocks.com</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">*the movies are, Despicable Me, Inception, and Grown Ups*</span></strong></p>
  2. Come and join me for some oh so yummy crab cakes :eating: and movies on the BIGGEST movie theater screen in the U.S. on Saturday July 24th!!! Like last time we'll meet up at By the Docks at 6:00
  3. so totally not tryin to steel ur thing! :s: i just took an good idea :idea: n ran with it, since its such a hit :top: we should do it more often then just once in august! n its a total bummer ur not gonna be able to make it hopefully ull be able to make
  4. <p>Come and join me and fellow C3M members for some oh so yummy crab cakes :eating: and movies on the BIGGEST movie theater screen in the U.S. on Saturday June 19th!!! </p> <p><img src="http://www.bengies.com/images/Photos/beam.jpg" alt="beam.jpg" /></p> <p>We'll meet up at By the Docks at <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">6:30</span></strong> pm for some really yummy crab cakes!!! Then at about 7:30 or so we'll head over to Bengies Drive-In right around the corner! The first movie should start right after dark around 8:45 or so. I did put in a request for The Italian Job to be shown but there's no promises! Bengies takes CASH ONLY!! And all exterior lights must be off once you pass the box office, including daytime running lights, i will be bringing some index cards for anyone who needs to cover their lights. </p> <p>Things to bring: </p> <p>CASH for the movie </p> <p>Bug spray </p> <p>blanket/sweatshirt (depending on the weather) </p> <p>lawn chairs (in case you don't want to sit in the car) </p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.bythedocks.com" rel="external nofollow">www.bythedocks.com</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.bengies.com" rel="external nofollow">www.bengies.com</a></p> <p> </p> <p>*Please read Bengies house rules*</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">*The movies that will be showing are Shrek the Final Chapter, The Karate Kid, and Killer*</span></strong></p>
  5. Come and join me and fellow C3M members for some oh so yummy crab cakes :eating: and movies on the BIGGEST movie theater screen in the U.S. on Saturday June 19th!!! We'll meet up at By the Docks
  6. it was really nice meeting you alll too!!! :wavey: after talking about caravaning with you all i was getting really excited! and im kinda sad i wont be going with you guys :s: but i couldnt pass up a chance to get there a day early!:burnout::m
  7. AWESOME drive today!!!!!! those where some amazing twisties!!!:motor: love the video jay!!!!! lookin forward to the next drive!! see yall at the dragon!!!
  8. im not old enough to drink wine anyways! :cheers: so no complaints here! lol
  9. i love this idea! :top: im planning to do all the sticker work on my car that day :rofl: :stupid: :s:(its gonna be one of those kinda days) so maybe ill drop by and clean out the inside, and give everyone a little sneak peak of this years desing!:questionmark: TGGRRR depending on what ur having mike do and how long you wanna keep the vinyl on the car will depend on the waxing situation, i know that i put a good coat of wax on my car every year before i do all the stickers cause i take them off after a couple months and it makes it alot easier. i would def. check with mike and see what he says, hes the expert! :idea:
  10. i dont have xenons :bawling: but i wish i did!
  11. im hoping to make it, if i do i would love to ride shotgun with someone :burnout: as this will be my first autocross experience and unfortunately my car isnt really in any condition to autocross :motz:
  12. Hey everyone!:itsme: so i c that theres a lot of people heading down early wed. morning and i was wondering about what time you all were planing on leaving n from where n do you guys plan to make the welcome dinner :questionmark:
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