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Posts posted by kgdblu

  1. After searching the web literally all morning, I found a place to take the blankets. A local business in Stevensville on Kent Island is collecting goods and trucking them up to NY/NJ. I will take any collected blankets over there on Monday.

    Thanks for the info. Perhaps some of you could make donations on your own, using the resources you cited. Lord knows what we'll manage to collect will be a tiny drop in the vast bucket of need. I plan on going through drawers and closets today, and adding any warm clothing I don't need anymore to the donation.

    Thanks again :smile:

  2. All, I just found out that Red Cross MD doesn't take individual donations of goods.

    However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't bring a blanket on Sunday.

    I will research my butt off to find out where I can take these blankets to make sure they reach those in need. Barring that, I'll take them to NY/NJ and hand them out myself. That's how strongly I feel about this. So please bring those blankets on Sunday!

  3. All,

    Although this event is for veterans, I have have asked for and gotten permission to expand the scope of this charity event.


    I am asking all attendees to bring a blanket to this event. New, old (but clean), wool, synthetic..it doesn't matter. And in this case, size doesn't matter...single, double, queen, etc.

    I will collect the blankets and take them to the local Red Cross for shipment up north. The daily pictures of what the folks in NY and NJ are heart wrenching. I grew up going to the Jersey shore every summer and the community we used to go to has been destroyed. It hits close to home.

    I hope to collect a lot of blankets. I would have made this a food drive, but these people have no means of heating food, so blankets seemed to be the next best thing.

    Thanks in advance.



    I'd like to go. The weather seems to be ok for that day. The problem is that it will be very very muddy. The crowds may not be as large tho'.


    This what I'm gonna do. I will be here at 930AM Sunday: Graul's parking lot Taylor Ave. & Rowe Blvd.

    Annapolis, MD 21401 I will wait a half hour. If anyone shows up, we'll go together. I won't have route sheets so PLEASE bring your own directions.


    Bring cash. The toll for the Bay bridge is $4.50, east bound only. I have EZ Pass so I'll be using that. I'll wait for folks to catch up on the other side of the bridge.


    Admission is $10, plus $$$ for vendor food and drink.


    1.Bring something to sit on.

    2.Dress warmly. Weather is for 50 degrees, partly sunny with a 10mph NW wind. The place is a gigantic field with no shelter from the wind. Think layers so you can add or subtract clothing.

    3.Wear shoes that can take slogging through mud but will keep your feet warm.

    4.Bring FRS radios.


    Don't wash your car...it'll just get muddy.

  5. I just read on facebook that Barry Patascher's wife Robin has been diagnosed with MS.

    For those of you don't know, Barry is the organizer of MOTD. He's been doing it for several years now and does a really fabulous job. Robin is a total sweetheart.

    I don't know how this will impact the organization of MOTD13 as Barry has already begun to work on it.

    Sad news, indeed.

  6. This is the real deal folks! This event has been televised on the Discovery channel in years past. There all kinds of hand built machines that hurl pumpkins....including huge air cannons that can shoot nearly a mile.

    Providing the weather's good, we'll meet in Annapolis (exact time and location will be posted closer to the event), and drive to Bridgeville DE.

    There food and drink vendors there, but feel free to bring your own food and/or drinks. No alcohol please!

  7. This will be the the 1st DCMM annual meeting I've missed. Paul had shoulder surgery yesterday and his right arm is in a sling. Since he's not left-handed, he's having a tough time adjusting. I have to be his hands for the next several days.

    I just wanted say thanks to all the volunteers, past, current and future, who help to run DCMM. It's no easy task and can be time consuming. Believe me, I know...so, thanks you guys!:congrats:

  8. Who's bringing the MINI Ambulance when we all go into sugar shock?!?! Look at all the desserts on the listing! Wow!

    I decided to bring a fruit plate instead. Hopefully, this will balance the sugar tonnage.



    We are also bringing "portable cover" for the grills just in case. Nothing will stop this fun!

    Was wondering about that...hopefully, it's fire proof.

  9. If the bear comes through the window then you lock the bear in the room with you


    Good plan! Keep the beer locked in the room with YOU! Celia and I can then make our escape. :hahaha:


    windows will be locked too...

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