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Posts posted by kgdblu

  1. Another tradition continues. After Wednesday's Welcome Dinner, all DCMM members are invited to the DCMM cabin, #538 on Welch Road. It'll be the cabin with the DCMM banner on the front porch. If you have a favorite beverage, bring it..and something to sit on. If the weather's cool enough, we'll have a fire. If the weather's crappy, we'll just hang out indoors. Say 7:30 ish.

  2. I'm getting MOTD prep work done on my car by OXSpeed. I figure they have to be cheaper than the dealer. They're waaaaaay over near me. They were at the Dragon last year and I'm sorry to say I haven't used them for anything before this. If they do a good job at a reasonable price, should I ask them if they want to renew as a vendor?

  3. I suppose one of the disadvantages to waiting so long to make up my mind is that all these are probably full. :banghead:


    If help is needed, I'll do my best to provide!


    If you want to come on the Cherohala drive I'm leading on Friday, I can squeeze one more in. Just let me know soon as I have to call the restaurant next week to give them a head count.

  4. Not that I would ever wish harm upon anyone, especially one of my favorite MINIacs, Ali... but to ensure the survival of the rest of the DCMM members can I recommend a sauce... I mean cologne... spray: http://www.bearscents.com/Products.html


    I especially like the ball to hang as a cabin door ornament. :evil:


    I was thinking you could hang it on a rear view mirror but that could bring harm on a MINI... never :stupido2:

    we don't want to ATTRACT bears (that's what newbies and Laura are for ;) . We need bear repellant.

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