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Past Club Member
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About T&CMCSa

  • Rank
    Third Gear
    Third Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    Third Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
    North of Virginia


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S Clubman
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Hot Chocolate
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  1. :dontknow: :rofl: :laugh:
  2. I also use the AVS software and really like it. I use the video editor. It is fairly simple and easy to use. I use the image converter to reduce the file size of my digital pictures. http://www.avs4you.com/
  3. So what was the mod?
  4. Carol and I are going. Heading down Tuesday but stopping somewhere along the way. Will arrive by noon Wed. Signed up for Welcome, Farewell, and Bingo. We are only signed up for the Sunrise Drive so far. Can't wait! :motor:
  5. Am I missing something?:hmmmm: How come there is no RSVP for this event :questionmark: If anyone is planning on going, you need to get your ferry tickets now!
  6. So who was indescriminately tagging cars at MoBC yesterday. I got tagged even though I have a DCMM logo in the side window. Whoever you are, you're wasting cards.
  7. Thanks for posting. It served as a reminder that we wanted to switch cabins next year. We had already reserved the same cabin for next year but it is a "member's" cabin and is more expensive than the "regular" cabins. (I really don't know what makes them different.) Called this afternoon and made the switch. :top:
  8. Hotchkis 22mm rear sway bar and this
  9. More roads are opening: :congrats: :top: Tail of the Dragon One last update for today.... I40 at the NC/TN border is set to reopen Tues Ap
  10. I am posting this in a bunch of places. Hopefully anyone that is still looking will see the post. MINIs on the Dragon FYI...Just got off the phon
  11. Not to confuse the issue even more, but the Fontana via Smokies could easily take longer than google maps thinks. There is a lot of traffic getting through Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge plus lots of red lights. The road through the Smokies is a great road, very scenic and twisty but it is also two lanes and can be very slow if you get behind the wrong traffic. If you all are in a hurry to get to Fontana, I'd stick with the Asheville route. You can always do the 71/441 route on the way home or as one of the drives while you are there. Didn't mean to horn in. I've been on both these routes so I thought I'd share my experience.
  12. This from Tail of the Dragon (http://www.tailofthedragon.com/) ROCK SLIDE UPDATE April 9, 2010: The rock slide on US 129 is located between the Dragon and Happy Valley Road/Foothills Parkway. TDOT has announced in a press release that the 11 mile section known as the Tail of the Dragon will be open from 8 am to 8 pm beginning Monday April 12, 2010. The only access is from North Carolina US 129. THP announced that there will be zero tolerance for traffic violations, so I'd travel the Tail with extreme caution. Please obey the traffic laws and report any undue harassment to us. We will forward all complaints to the Tennessee and North Carolina senators and representatives who worked so hard to get the road open. We will continue to post the latest information here so keep in touch. (Emphasis mine)
  13. Take them :beer: with you. Graham County is dry.
  14. Yes, that was on the Dragon. There is a picture by Killboy of them loading the car on a rollback. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=158870&id=189631058066&l=bea20a3200#!/photo.php?pid=3983731&id=189631058066&fbid=373206353066
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