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Everything posted by Scavenger

  1. The lights should be orange... Let's see, what do you get if you cross TIGGER with KITT?
  2. I just realized I was looking around for a Like button, and then had to say to myself, this isn't facebook!!!! I've been so tired and busy lately.... LIKE LIKE LIKE
  3. +1 Really cool! Appears you've got some mods on there already, from the picture, I see the following: Promini CAI Unichip ECU add-on MSD ignition coil and of course, the very cool strutbrace Welcome!
  4. AWW, Tigger's all growed up now
  5. Hmmm, dunno, anyone we know with a new garage? Cooper or Cooper S? If you're not romping on it, the computer will retard the timing to keep it from pinging, but that's not really optimal. See quote below:
  6. A trip down to Potomac Mills Mall and back would probably give you enough highway time... or maybe Fredericksburg.... Maybe someone will buy your old exhaust and do the "Livestrong Mod" :rofl::laugh:
  7. The HK amp has some special crap that... well... makes it special :laugh: Also, the speakers are 2 ohm, dual voice coil I believe, (or is that the DPSM - Edge can clarify)
  8. Is it Seafoam party time again already?
  9. Did you say Arthur Treachers, the chip shop? :top: DCMM needs to go there sometime, doesn't get more British than Fish n' Chips! :rock:
  10. I'm so sick of all the contractor trucks around here piled high with ladders and other construction crap. I suspect many of them are illegally loaded. I've also seen things fly off of them from time to time, thankfully not hitting me or another vehicle that I could tell. There needs to be a crackdown!:security:
  11. geeez, not another "social networking" site that I've got to maintain... nah, skip for now...
  12. Ah ha! That's the problem then, if they didn't replace the PAC SWI-JACK! I guess they didn't since it is an after market part, anyways the older versions were prone to cold weather problems. You'd need to get it replaced, perhaps at a car stereo shop somewhere. Update: actually, since you have a Pioneer, you might need the PAC SWI-PS. You could give Crutchfield an call and confirm with them before I steer you in the wrong direction!
  13. Ali, I've got the same little adaptor (PAC SWI-JACK) for the steering wheel controls and it works fine for me, I wonder if I have a newer version though, was yours replaced?
  14. Hopefully a simple latch adjustment is all it needs.
  15. I was playing around on the VA site tonight, and thought I'd post a few screenshots of some I thought of.
  16. Takes one to know one.... er.. correction - Takes one to motor with one! :rofl:
  17. LOL, ...and I don't even have factory nav. But, I have studied A LOT of the diagrams for the various systems in the MINI, so I know where most things are that have moving parts like that which might produce that noise
  18. Do you have factory nav? If so, and it's DVD based, you might be hearing the drive spinning up from time to time?
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