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Everything posted by 1975_mini

  1. Hey all, Not truly a MINI event, but Brandy and I are doing the Mini Run Amuck here on Quantico on June 13th. If anyone would like to join us come on out. We are done the shorter 2 mile course and registered from the 11:00 start time. Brandy say we will be going at a nice jog, so don't feel you have to be a 6 minute mile person to join us. Its more about mud and obstacles. There is a longer 4 mile course for those wanting a bigger challenge. Whether you would like to join us or do it on your own, our house is only a mile and a half from the start/finish line so all are welcome to park at our place and use our showers prior to getting back in your MINI:top: Here is the link for more info, hope to see some of you there. http://www.marinemarathon.com/MCM_Event_Series/Run_Amuck.htm
  2. until
    <p>It is Spring and time to get those projects going on your MINI. Brandy and I are hosting a Plasti-Dip demo for those that are interested in it and would like a helping hand. Wheels, bezels, belt lines Oh My!!!! You think of it we will figure it out.:top:</p> <p> </p> <p> Please bring your own PD, if you would like the basic colors (black, white, blue, red) home depot or Lowes are cheapest. Pep boys now carries the Bold colors and pearls. If you want something crazy try <a href="http://www.dipyourcar.com/" rel="external nofollow"><span style="color:#0066cc;">www.dipyourcar.com</span></a></p> <p> </p> <p>There is a morning run please RSVP on that thread.</p> <p> </p> <p>Please PM me if you need the address.</p> <p> </p> <p> Looking forward to a fun afternoon.:rock:</p>
  3. 1975_mini

    PD Party

    It is Spring and time to get those projects going on your MINI. Brandy and I are hosting a Plasti-Dip demo for those that are interested in it and would like a helping hand. Wheels, bezels, belt lines Oh My!!!! You think of it we will figure it out.:top: Please bring your own PD, if you would like the basic colors (black, white, blue, red) home depot or Lowes are cheapest. Pep boys now carries the Bold colors and pearls. If you want something crazy try www.dipyourcar.com There is a morning run please RSVP on that thread. Please PM me if you need the address. Looking forward to a fun afternoon.:rock:
  4. great blog, I feels like I was there:top:
  5. Not yet, have a couple names bouncing around
  6. Interesting idea, I will have to thing about that one
  7. I am looking the change up Watson's wheels I am going to paint them and having trouble deciding the look to go with. I have three possible patterns. 1) white 2) white spokes with blue rim (body matching) 3) blue spokes (body matching with white rim 4) open to ideas Here is an up close of the wheel in question 10" mambas and also a photo of watson so you know the blue I am taking about. Thanks for your input.
  8. Hey all, I have finally had some free time to get out in the garage and work on some projects. First I now know that have a rusty classic mini has the scrap value equal to a 6 pack or premium beer or a case of Natty light. After a few hours with the poly carbide wheel in the angle grinder I now have a true idea as to the shape of the body. Not as quick and nowhere close to as clean a project as wheeler dealer makes it look. The only major surprise i found was a decent ding in the left rear. the bottom picture is the inch and a half think clunk of filler someone used to fill it in. I also cut out the seat back giving now you can see a better idea as to the storage size that will be in the trailer. Hope to weld in the front soon. should have another update soon.
  9. great photos, thanks for sharing.
  10. Sorry to hear that, I have a feeling you are going to have to do OEM.
  11. With the gen3 just being released last year I doubt there is a third partying windshield yet. If less than a quarter in size you can get it filled for about $100 usually
  12. I did notice in the photos that the are running British number plates, if the vehicles do not have US titles there is a bit of extra paperwork. But since it is over 25 years old, mostly just a formality.
  13. VA sales tax on vehicles is 4.05% which on a private sale you pay to DMV when you register the vehicle. You pay 4.05% of whatever is written on the back of the title when the previous owner sign it over:wink: Registration is the same as any regular car if you put regular plates, to include personal property tax. If it is going to be a weekend toy, I would put antique plates, 50 bucks for a lifetime registration, no personal property tax and the restrictions are very lacks in Virginia. Basic it can't be a daily driver and that it. Also since it is a 89, it is 26 years old and except from all emissions.:top: We can discuss at dinner
  14. Saw and tagged a silver coupe with black top here on Quantico Sunday. plate was SpyvsSpy
  15. Hey all, I will weigh in on what I can read in the description, first I was not at the dragon so I did not see the car in person. From what I have read it has a lot of the upgrades you want to improve the comfort and safety of the ride. As long as there no rust issues this is a very reasonable price. It does have the middle motor 998, not a 1275. Watson has the 998, and can run 60mph on the highway. the bonus of the smaller motor is reasonable prices, this same car with a 1275 would be 12 to 15k. Ray you still looking?
  16. Sorry guys, got to support the wife so can't make it out the weekend
  17. Melissa, is there an area they want those attending to park? I now that was a bit of an issue last time, just so we put a good foot forward when folks arrive.
  18. I think I may come out.
  19. Normal VA roads in the spring. Think of them as extra twisties thrown in for free.
  20. And if you mention that you found the link in this thread Ali will pay 10% of the purchase price.
  21. Wish we could make it but we have to seem interested in our kids stuff that day
  22. Sounds fun but I am out of town. I would love to bring the pup but he is a bit of a turd.
  23. I like kohl's it definitely covers the spectrum of car people: ricers, exotic, classic muscle, you name it you will likely see an example of it there.
  24. Old people forget, and send the same response 10 minutes later.
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