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Everything posted by 68wmcs

  1. Who's classic is this? Located in Woodbridge off Occoquan.
  2. I think we should all park on the same level.
  3. Thanks to Ricky, finally got around to replacing the inner CV boot on the MINI. No more clicking! Time to MOTOR ON! :motor:
  4. I only spotted you when I split to go towards the Richmond hwy. Didn't have the chance to wave, it was to late. Did you see the white MINI with the red stripe fly by? He took the motoring experience to a new level!
  5. I know how you feel, it was supposed to be my first run and leading it too!
  6. I appreciate the welcome, I've been awake since 0230. Now I'm at Applebee's getting my free meal on! To all my fellow Veterans, I personally thank you for your service to this Country and am glad to have met each one of you and serve with honor.
  7. Yeah I just want to get rid of them, cleaning out the spare bedroom and found them tucked away. They're yours Craig, I don't need the oil filter socket anymore I decided to just buy everything I'll need to do oil changes on my own from now on.
  8. I have this fabric left over from doing the shift boot and ebrake covers. Anyone can have it if they want it, visor is there for size reference.
  9. Cleaning out my Lesley G. Aggar signed Photography prints from 2009. I've had them stored for a few years and haven't had a use for them. They are in great condition, only taken out to take pictures of them. Price: FREE (just come pick one up or take all of them) The container they've been stored in: "Remains of the Day" 30x20in: "Sullen Sky 1" 30x20in: "Silver Sea" 30x20in: "Sky Drama 1" 30x20: "Flames to Grey" 24x16in: "Watching" 24x16in:
  10. Umm...haha I don't like having to back out last minute, I was really looking forward to the run and I bought the shirt! :banghead: I have an extra GoPro with the tow hook mount if anyone wants to use it for the run, let me know.
  11. You can still do it Haemish was supposed to meet with me this Saturday to show me the route.
  12. UPDATE! Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend/lead the MTTB this year because I have been tasked out by my Unit to be apart of the Veteran's Day Ceremony this Sunday. I would try and make it but the ceremony timeline is from 0330-1300 on Sunday. I know it's last minute, but I'm posting on here to ask and see if any Active/Reserve duty, or Veteran's would be willing to take my place. I'm not happy that I have to miss my first MTTB, but duty calls.:laugh: If anyone is interested in taking my place please contact Haemish(username: Edge) and he will be able to give you information.
  13. They are some great shots.
  14. Got this in the mail today!
  15. Selling a Leap Pad that I got for my daughter in back in March 2012, I just recently bought her the Leap Pad 2 Princess edition. Comes with: -Pink rubber skin -x2 Stylus -black Case Logic case -Screen protector (on since day 1) -Leap Frog USB cable Price: $60
  16. Congrats, post some pictures we'd all like to see the new members. I'll give you a heads up, Ali aka Tggrr want's you to name your MINI. Welcome and hope you can make it to our events, I think the next one is MINI's Take the Beltway.
  17. Oh no, she has a cat...haha Great pics Hilary.
  18. Did you replace it with a carbon filter?
  19. All the costumes looked great, congrats to all the participants!
  20. Should be Torx bits, not allen.
  21. As long as the weather stays nice the way it has been, I don't drive the MINI around during the week. I'm used to driving without a headliner or pillars, I removed them from my Subaru when I wrapped them in suede. Pamela, are you still there? :hahaha:
  22. I've been wanting to wrap my pillars in suede. If yours comes out good and doesn't make the interior smell, I might take this route.
  23. I'm going to try and get the photo to you by the end of tomorrow, I just got back in from California.
  24. Thanks for the spotlight Ali :ahhhhh:. I am excited to lead and hopefully I get it right. You're also right, I am Active Duty Army. How difficult will it be getting on to the street with that size group from Passport of Alexandria?
  25. Glad to hear you're ok, but it's still sad to hear a MINI was damaged. Hope Sonja gets well soon!
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