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Everything posted by 68wmcs

  1. Anyone recognize this MINI? In the middle of PD Thought I finished once it got dark, but realized when I drove it the next day that I still had a little more PD to add.
  2. Free for Active Duty, cidar, and lobster!!! Last minute change for me, I have to go to the field Sunday-Tuesday! Wish I didn't have to miss this one. :banghead: I'll update if anything changes.
  3. Just installed the phone bracket nharrison made for me. Also did some re-wiring of the audio cable and phone charger through the steering column.
  4. I said thought the same thing and opened Waze and found DCMM. It's under Dc Metro MINIs.
  5. I can point out a few MINIac's (myself included)
  6. Great job Brandy, then the process starts. You starting finding stuff to PD and that's how you know it's taken over.
  7. Did you already buy a air splitter or are you replacing the oem lower front bumper plastic? edit: I'm still waiting on the APR support rods to come in.
  8. I have a couple cans of black PD left and a can of clear. I'll do some test tries on things I don't need to see what the reaction is. Thanks for the info Bert.
  9. Just got my new glovebox and glovebox organizer. Also got the APR support rods for the DIY air splitter, can't wait to install.
  10. Just installed Black Union Jack LED side marker lights and stubby antenna! Only thing left is the front air splitter and ceramic brake pads.
  11. That's horrible, I feel lucky because I had left my windows down. Now I know to always have them rolled up unless it's only at a DCMM gathering. Can someone send this picture for me my Outlook on my computer hasn't been opening properly for a while.
  12. What I plan on doing is just buying regular clear coat from Lowe's/Home Depot/AutoZone etc and just putting that over my PD. It's reasonable to assume that as long as you lay down PD first then lay another coat of anything else, it will still peel off. Right?
  13. PD has its own clear coat product.
  14. you can only buy black PD in a rattle can or yellow in a liquid can at home depot or lowes. my go to place for PD is Dipyourcar.com, he sells every available product by PD and he's also an authorized seller.
  15. Great shots, took a few for my album.
  16. First paragraph of main post here says bus leaves for the ferry at 1030.
  17. I'm assuming we're bringing walkie talkies?
  18. I keep seeing a red Gen1 S near my place with: -roof rack and basket with front plate mounted to basket -lowered on coils -black wheels -left side dual tip exhaust -JCW style grill
  19. Oh ok, then I don't need one. Nice.
  20. Yes, this would be a great event. Anything in the works with Craig and his idea with the parking lot?
  21. Yeah, I figured that might have been the issue. I picked it up from the expert. :cough:Ali:cough::top:
  22. Thanks for the support Ali! Just ordered: -Hawk Ceramic front pads -Stubby antenna(I need help with the install):laugh: -New-ish glovebox -Glovebox organizer -Black Jack LED side marker lights Now, anyone have the tool needed to remove the brake pads before I buy one? Anyone know where to buy the tool at a decent price?
  23. That's a beautiful shot TATTRAT. Now it's time to photograph GREMLIN, he needs a pro.
  24. ^^That's awesome, I love MINI LOVE! On a slightly different note, I seen a HO yesterday going West on PW Parkway in Woodbridge and I started to frantically wave:itsme:(thinking it was Ali). Boy, was I wrong! Older gentleman driving looked at me like :cuckoo:.
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