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Everything posted by Wizzer

  1. Does anyone know who left the ducks on peoples MINIs? I came home with a "Dead" duckie.
  2. I was talking to the MINI Fini guys about that Spare holder. Since I don't have a spare right now it's tempting. But it would cover up all my boot stickers!
  3. So on Saturday I took some Me time and went out on the Dragon. Mid way trough I found a good pull off and parked the POD to take some pics. There is a Photography trick called Dragging that gives a good sense of speed, so I thought I would give it a try. It's a tough trick to master and out of around 100 shots, I only got 4 that were anything close (still not great). While I was there I did snap this great shot of the POD: So all of my photos (so far) can be found here: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/Road%20Trips/MOTD/ Feel free to browse
  4. Here is a quick one while I process the rest:
  5. Sooo tired. I got my Pully done (15). Stubby antenna, New chrome scoop, Craven brake handle, Lots of new Vinyl. (no new bonnet stripes, Todd was out when I got there) Lots of pics and video coming soon.
  6. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY IS IT TIME TO GO YET?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! :banghead::banghead::pcguru::trytofly::trytofly:
  7. I am staying in the Lodge so I bet they have something. And now that I have started thing about this I can't think about work. And I still have the weekend and Monday and Tuesday to get through!
  8. I will earmark some cash for you when I arrive! You Rock!:top:
  9. I have so much packing to do!!! I am going on a work trip straight from MOTD. So I have to pack everything for the Dragon and what I need for work! I'll be driving from here to MOTD on Wed, then Sunday I have to leave to be at Fort Bragg before Monday. Heading home on the following Friday. I am gonna be burnt out! I think I may pack like 5 days worth of clothes and just find a laundry place.
  10. Just in case you were wondering about what clothes to pack:
  11. Can I claim that Mens Med? for pick up at MOTD? I will be arriving on Wed.
  12. HOLY CARP BALLS! Driving to work this morning was AMAZING! The difference in handling and noise and stiffness is night and day. I should mention that I was on Run-Flats before. I ordered this guys off TireRack and had NTB install them Total came out to just about $600 for everything. (and I believe Tire Rack is giving away a free Nook e-reader) Since I have no spare, I bought a can of tire-repair that will be used in case of emergency. I'll have this week and the drive down to the Dragon to get used to the difference.
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n3ojoag1daj9wen/Photo%20Apr%2024%2C%207%2057%2043%20PM.jpg Got a set of: 205/45ZR17 Continental ExtremeContact DWS
  14. I can see using them to cover up some scars if you have already hit the curb. which makes them a little tempting since I have some of those scars.
  15. Had a fun wave and pass moment with a British Racing Green II Metallic Coupe going north on 28 this morning. Even turned off on my exit at McLearen Rd. If I catch him parked, I will totally tag him!
  16. I love that Thai place! It's right next to the comic book store!
  17. If I see a MINI, I will wave. Downside is sometimes when I am driving I am off in my own little world and don't catch another MINI till it's too late. I have gotten some interesting looks before they drive by though, and I like to think that I am spreading the wave, and that even if they don't wave at me, they might wave at the next MINI and pass it along.
  18. I am also looking at new tires. I was informed that t would be a good idea to get new ones before the Dragon. These are the ones I was looking at: http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=Continental&tireModel=ExtremeContact+DWS&partnum=045WR7ECDWSXL&vehicleSearch=true&fromCompare1=yes&autoMake=Mini&autoYear=2005&autoModel=Cooper%20S%20Convertible&autoModClar= Any comments?
  19. Private message sent
  20. Starbucks was offering up their usual batch of free App cards and I managed to snag a bunch. The app is Snapseed, which if you have't heard of, you should know about. Snapseed is a Photo editor on the iPhone/iPad. I use it all the time for my Wife's blog (shameless plug: http://www.boylese.com) it's a GREAT tool for tweaking photos before posting. If you can't get out to a starbucks to grab a card, let me know, I have a BUNCH. Normally it's a $5 app.
  21. What's the cost of them? I need new tires for the POD and was looking at Amazon (Because they have everything) and found these: http://www.amazon.com/Nankang-NS-1-High-Performance-Tire/dp/B004QL6ORW/ref=au_pf_pfg_s?ie=UTF8&Model=Cooper%7C218&n=15684181&s=automotive&Make=Mini%7C32&Year=2005%7C2005&vehicleType=5&carId=001
  22. I think this was the special:
  23. So here is a quick test lap I did around my block. This is using the GoPro for the Video, aLapRecorder (android App) to log the Data on the Lap, using GPS and the OBD tool. and then imported in to RaceRender2 to compile the data and to produce the final video. P.S. Can someone embed that? Can't figure out how here
  24. So after a day of use I am really fond of this tool. Here are some findings Only works with Android. This model seems to be android specific. It connects via BlueTooth but on a different freq. Nice thing is that I can still have my phone connected to the Stereo and get data from this at the same time, downside, it doesn't work wit my iPad. Torque is a cool app. Lots of data to digest, need to learn more about what I want to display and log. Using this with aLaprecorder and then merging with my GoPro using RaceRender seems to be the way to go. I need to go find a good place to run a few laps and get a good video made. Will upload wen I do. Here is an example export CSV of what aLapRecorder pulls in: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6750858/aLap20120213_163215_RR2_20120213_182800.csv
  25. While I am not sure about the answers to your questions, I have a few noob questions of my own. I am a total car noob. I am lucky if I figured out how to change out the battery for a new one. On my R52 I have the Chrono package which gives me all of the gauges on the center console. (as seen here: http://www.mini2.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=59698&d=1101324294) I have no real idea what these gauges mean, and if they displayed something bad, I don't know that I would recognize it. Also, on another note. It's been cold lately and it would appear that my MINI would like me to know that. Every now and then It will ding at me and flash the outside temp. If it were just starting up, I would guess that it meant that it needed to warm up more, but it will sometimes do it after I have been driving for a while. Hopefully that's not bad. Anyone wanna learn up a noob? Thanks!
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