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Everything posted by Wizzer

  1. The Countryman has a higher center of gravity too. Judging from the bonnet and headlight, it looks to be a CM.
  2. Had not thought about the clear bra at all. Might look into that. is it a treatment or what? Got a link?
  3. Hey all! I got my new bonnet stripes done and installed!!! Here are a few pictures. Before: (this was taken at the dragon, you can see some of the chips and scrapes from rocks and such) And After: All totaled it was $100 for the printing and installation of said stripes. I did some research online (here and on /r/MINI on Reddit) and the consensus seemed to be that $100 with installation was awesome. The guys that did it are http://www.pcsgraphix.com/ located in Chantilly. I am still working with them on the Gen 1 UnderBonnet Eye stickers.
  4. [proffessor farnsworth] Good News everyone! [/proffessor farnsworth] I spoke with the guy at http://www.pcsgraphix.com/ and went ahead and ordered my replacement stripes. He said it would be 100$ installed. ALSO, he is working on some designs for the Gen 1 under bonnet eyeball stickers!!! ALSO ALSO!!! He is VERY interested in becoming a DCMM vendor! So Will, if you are interested, he should be installing my stripes next Wed. I can take pics and show it off when it's done and you can see if you want to contact him. Ali, I need paperwork and process stuff. When he is officially a Vendor I will start up a new thread and stop hijacking others! :stupid:
  5. first initial lastname at gmail dot com. Also, I think it's in my info on the board. and it's on facebook.
  6. Funny you should revive this thread.... I pass by a place on the way home every day that does Vinyl wraps and signs. http://www.pcsgraphix.com/ I stopped in one day and asked about new Bonnet stripes. He quoted me arund $80-100 installed. He actually did some work on a MINI (not mine yet, no clue who it is) I asked him about making the eyeball stickers for 1st gen under bonnet headlight spots and he quoted me around $25. Ali mentioned a contract or stat sheet I could take him to ask him about becoming a sponsor for the club. (Ali, you around?)
  7. Damn. I was hoping that they were stock black ones. I was planning on making a weekend project out of painting my existing silvers black. Ok, Nevermind. Sorry for the excitement.
  8. I would love to spot this one roaming around. But I think he only drives it in Vegas:
  9. #1461 is not registered. ):
  10. So, the Black rims, are they just painted? (you mentioned the paint chipping off) I am to the point were I am tempted to just paint my existing rims (the stock heavys). If they are good rims I will buy them right now ($200 is too good to pass up). Tell me where to meet you etc. I am planning on hitting up the Meet and greet on Saturday, and the happy hour (no hunt for me tho). Although, if I am buying rims from you I may need my truck (:
  11. Yes, I did Tag him. Too bad there isn't some GP database where you could look up the number and see who owns it (:
  12. Very interested in the black rims. Like, very very.
  13. Also, meant to post this yesterday... This GP is in an office parking lot near my work. He has a MINIs of Carolinias sticker, but VA plates. Any clue?
  14. Just an FYI, I am tooling around Vienna today running errands, but doing it in the wife's Escape due to having to take the dog. Which means she got the POD to go to work. So if you see a Crazy guy in a black escape waving at MINIs, pay no mind. :stupid:
  15. As the Resident 501st guy, I endorse making your MINI look like a StormTrooper. :top:
  16. Congrats! Also, I voted for the only MINI on the current bunch.
  17. I know of a few Manassas MINI's (: Mine being one of them. Sudley area! Looks like this: Speaking of which......Got any Pics of yours? And beating Ali to the punch...Did you name it?
  18. Well damn, guess I need to pay attention more. Well, the more the Merrier!
  19. YAY! I think this is our first Roadster! Will you be officially joining our ranks? Meet and greet this Saturday!
  20. I have a spray soap that is specific for the soft top that I use when I wash up. Seems to have been working pretty well. Might look into this as a more long term treatment.
  21. THIS. I checked the developer website for Track Addict.......It's made by RaceRender! Just make sure you have a good stable mount for your phone.
  22. They make one that talks to the iPhone, but it's like 80-90 bucks (the andorid one was 20) Te difference is that Android can talk to it via Bluetooth and the iphones don't like to do that, so they need a wifi based system. The data gets recorded via an android app called aLapRecorder. Not sure what the iPhone app would be called but I am sure there is one. After it's recorded I exported the Video and the Data to a program called RaceRender that can sync the two and overlay the gauges. Like I said, if you want to do a run, I would be happy to Ride along and bring the stuff. Race render can even do multiple video files if you want an inside view, side view, and road view (assuming you have more cameras) Ninja Edit: Just checked and iPhone has an app called Harry's Laptimer that is not terribly expensive that looks like it does the same thing as my aLapRecorder. It's the OBDII device you would need to get. Check Amazon. I Know that Mike has one for his setup. (Autocross Videos would rock with this)
  23. Got another video processed. This one is only 1/2 the Dragon as I stopped mid way to take pictures. This was done using my GoPro and the android app aLapRecorder. It reads data from my OBDII chip. I synced them together using RaceRender. If anyone wants to try this out, let me know and I can bring over the stuff. The OBDII plug, my Android phone, and the GoPro are all portable.
  24. 6 min timelapse of the top of the dragon down to Fontana lodge (with a small layover at Killboy's stop.)
  25. I could swear on of the guys has a fin on his MINI, so I know they are out there.
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