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Everything posted by Wizzer

  1. So I just had a friend drive the POD around the block and he thinks it's Wheel Balance. This would make sense since I didn't keep track on which wheel came from which spot and there is a VERY good chance that tires from the back ended up on the front. Looks like I will be hitting up the NTB on the way home and see about a balance.
  2. I don't think it's the PD so much as me messing up the alignment when I re-mounted the wheels. That could be, I think the last mechanic that looked at it said those may need replacing soon. Looks like I may just have to take it in to the dealership. <sigh>
  3. I love oddball subject lines. So a new issue started up last night in the POD. At lower speeds (0-25) everything feels fine, but at higher speeds (25-60) the ride feels very rough. When I press the gas I can hear the engine rev up and everything smooths out, but when the engine drops back to idle it becomes very rough again. This occurs both in gear and out of gear. My first thought is that maybe the wheels aren't re-seated correctly after I Plasti-Diped the rims, but the worse fear is that it may be engine related. Anyone heard of this sort of thing?
  4. Finally had time to get out and take care of my Rim Job! (huh huh huh)
  5. I would love one if you can!!
  6. Wow, wasn't expecting it to need that much, but noted. And I got new wheels a few months ago. I'll be doing lots of masking.
  7. Finally getting around to doing my rims. Might try and do a coating before the meeting on Sat.
  8. Sooooooonnn.
  9. That's awesome man. The d7000 is a beast of a camera. I was contemplating it when I was looking to upgrade from my old D3000. I went with the D5100 instead due to price and weight. Sometimes I think of the 7000 and sigh wistfully.
  10. Got the chance to bust out the camera on Sunday at the Faire:
  11. Saw someone out at the Ren Faire today! We were out there for Sarah's B-day and while strolling through the parking lot, saw this guy. Didn't recognize who it may have been so I post here to say :wavey:
  12. I wired mine up the same way. I have a 3 way splitter running fro the center power plug into the compartment under the steering column. Then I have it branched out and up for my phone (same as you) and another down to my XM unit. Looks good!
  13. I am still planning on a PD Job on my stock Rims (Man I had to phrase that right). I love how it looks, and it's cheaper than buying black rims right now. ow I just need the time.
  14. bumping this back to the top since we talked about it on the run today.
  15. Looks like I got here early. Picked a spot in the lot nearer to the Starbucks that was pretty open. See you guys soon!
  16. You know, I live walking distance from there. One of the reasons I have to do this run. It's essentially driving home for me (:
  17. Craig, will you be bringing various GoPro's on this run? Would be cool to get some Footage.
  18. Another fun fact about the park. I am not sure you actually have to pay, I believe it's a donation. I have been to the park many times and done the walk around and such. Also, it's nearly my back yard. Other fun places to eat nearby are the Logan's Road house, Hard Times cafe, TGI Fridays, Unos. And there is a Hershey's Ice Cream place nearby as well.
  19. So for the Panorama, you have 5 to choose from. Let me know which you think is the best one: Medium Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Medium/Panorama1.jpg Large Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Large/Panorama1.jpg Medium Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Medium/Panorama2.jpg Large Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Large/Panorama2.jpg Medium Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Medium/Panorama3.jpg Large Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Large/Panorama3.jpg Medium Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Medium/Panorama4.jpg Large Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Large/Panorama4.jpg Medium Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Medium/Panorama5.jpg Large Size: http://www.wizzersworld.com/zen/albums/Special%20Events/MINI%20Panoramic/Large/Panorama5.jpg
  20. Saw this one in the Manassas Walmart parking lot. TAG!
  21. Don't you dare harm that BEAUTIFUL CHROME!!! Seriously, looks nice! :rock:
  22. With the soft top I can't really do the Automated wash places so this last winter I just learned to wash the POD very very fast. Coldest day I managed to wash on was around 40ish out and it was just me Layered up and a quick rinse/wash/rinse and then into the car port to dry it off.
  23. Could have been my sweet stach
  24. The car behind me was a PT Cruiser (yuk) Sarah thought the note was hilarious. it was her idea to post it here (sans email). I think you underestimate how cool my wife is. She emailed this "Amy" after doing some Internet detective work. it would appear that she is a 27 year old geeky girl living in Woodbridge. (Sarah is a good Internet dectective) the email contained a nice "My husband is too shy but you sound like a nice person" sort of thing. I'll keep you updated.
  25. Many of you know the back of my POD is covered in various geeky decals. (Doctor Who, Star wars, Firefly, etc.) Tonight, while out at dinner with Sarah, we came back to find this on the windshield: O_o
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