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Everything posted by CP3657197

  1. Cool. Thx for sharing... Motor on, CP
  2. Michael, yeah! yeah! the waiting part is really a killer, but she'll be there soon and I too cannot wait to meet her. Post some pix when you can... motor on... cp
  3. nice pix, good job... cp
  4. ...try the local bicycle shops around town... cp :motor:
  5. pics pics pics please.... Motor on cp
  6. nice pics Lola:congrats::rock: :motor: cp
  7. Edge, it was a fun run. Absolutely had a good time and Griffin Tavern was the icing on the cake...:congrats::rock: :motor: cp
  8. ditto! Bravo... I don't know any of these areas but I'm here available if you need a hand setting up... cp
  9. I'm like VioletDC, wow! U can probably get a full system customized for that amount... :motor: cp
  10. Awesome! :top: :motor: cp
  11. Definitely! we'll see each other around again. either on another autox school or at the meet watching the pro compete. Not sure yet, but I may stop by to watch at the event in waldorf... :motor: cp
  12. You nailed it TGGRRR. I was playing with the camera today and discovered that the WB was whacked after several trial & error process. Still trying to learn the Manual Mode and it's a lot to remember... The next AutoX event for points is at Waldorf, MD... so who's ready to rack up some points? :motor: cp
  13. Nice pics Brian... :motor: cp
  14. Nice pics. We took some too but somehow someway the pics have blueish tint on 'em. Not worth sharing... :motor: cp
  15. Yes I did. It's good that they did. I tell, at the bottom of the parking lot where I started, I was not sure where to go after the slalom. I was guessing after that and needless to say did not do well there. When I transition at the top, I was ok and I did a lot better. :motor: cp
  16. that was a lot of fun ya'll. I had a blast slingin' the countryman around the course and experience its limitation. I was impressed of how it handle despite its size. Phil, if I could comment something. I wish we had a chance to do a walk-tru of the course. It would've made a difference, I think. At any rate, it was a blast.... Although, I believe it may have impacted my driving the rest of the day yesterday. I was driving out on the streets as if I was auto xing... :motor: cp
  17. thx cmcveay... Happy :motor: cp
  18. cmcveay, Just curious, which rubber did you end up getting? :motor: CP
  19. Claymore, Just curious, if possible, pics please... :motor: cp
  20. I'm registered for the event. Looking forward to it... CP :motor:
  21. thx Phil... cp :motor:
  22. SbNimble, ...quick question, based on your experience, is it possible to join the BMWNCC club then sign up for the auto cross right after? It seem as though, you had to wait a membership number or so before you can proceed to sign up for the auto cross... cp :motor:
  23. Hey Phil, how many more slots left? :motor: cp
  24. GreenCactus, you're right. My mind was thinking about that game when I saw your post and for some reason got my weekends mixed up... Sorry:banghead:
  25. that'll be cool. please let us know...:top: cp:motor:
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