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Past Club Member
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  • Rank
    Fourth Gear
    Fourth Gear

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  • Title
    Fourth Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Biography
    Australian, been in the USA for 10+ years
  • Location
    Annandale, VA
  • Interests
    Cars, Aircraft, Cars, Music, did I mention CARS
  • Occupation
    Aircraft Mechanic, Teacher


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Chili Red
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name

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  1. You can do vvme hid kit for 75 plug and play. That's what I did in my mini
  2. Running late, start without me. Will still try to make it.
  3. Will be cool to see the minis again. Miss mine
  4. Just hadmy vacation back. Got into town last night, I'm here until Friday.
  5. Well my boss cancelled my vacation last minute yesterday. Says I can have it next week. I will keep my fingers cross.
  6. Hey guys it been a while, but I'm coming up next week on the 27th to the 2nd. Told Craig I would let you guys know when I come to town. Can't believe I been in Florida for over a year now and without my mini 10 months. Coming up to see my new nephew, but would love to get a mini fix while I'm in town. I will see if there are any events during that time. I know my ranger couldn't keep up with you guys. Hope to see some of the old group. Jason.
  7. Side scuttles are yours. Pm me address. Still tiring to fit the shift knob on my new ranger. If it doesn't fit its yours. Jason.
  8. Ok this is parts let from my clubman. Helix blow off valve that was $220. $120 shipped. Might be selling my M7 carbon fiber shift knob, but Ali will get first dibs since she ask me when I sold my first mini. Jason.
  9. I better make this event since it will be my last one. Just found out I got a transfer to orlando, florida.
  10. Had a great time, it was nice to see everyone again. It'dbeen too long this my last driving event.
  11. It'll be fine to drive, I took a year to get my timing chain fixed. So a week ain't bad. If your out of warranty laurayou might want to get some quotes. Heard it's pretty pricey.
  12. I had a 19% pulley on my 2006 mini cooper s. I had injectors and a tune done to support the 19% pulley. It does make your supercharger wear out quicker. I would recommend the 15% pulley. That's what we stuck on my brothers car and not enough difference for the early supercharger change. Jason
  13. Thanks for the lense, now I can see street signals. Hope you like your new car.
  14. sent in my money
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