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Everything posted by MINI_Voyager

  1. Yeah, I was thinking of writing to the service advisor to explain that I doubt I've been abusing, since I've driven manuals for years (before I got the MINI), and the clutches has never failed (had a car for over 110K miles without clutch problems), and that about 20-25% of my miles are highway. Does anyone know of a specific case or other information I can use to make my appeal to? And if not the service advisor, who should I talk to then? Thanks!
  2. I just called the dealership and it looks like the clutch is toasted, and not covered by warranty because it's just "wear and tear". After only 40,000 miles? Isn't that rather short? I don't do all that much stop-and-go driving (I"d guess about 25% of my miles is highway) and know how to shift smoothly (or so I think anyway). I certainly don't ride the clutch or anything like that. :banghead:
  3. 57K mikes since they replaced the clutch? Or 40K miles since the replacement? Thanks!
  4. How many miles have you had on the new clutch so far? How many miles will they cover the new clutch, warranty-wise? Thanks!
  5. Thanks. I haven't heard back from my srvice advisor, buit he isn't good about emailing, unless he want me to fillnout a survey saying how great they are! :laugh:
  6. How can you tell? I didn't really get much warning in advance. Thanks!
  7. I think cmcveay is the winner. This morning, it was far worse and I barely made it to the PMoA (only half a mile, thanks goodness!). The mechanic can't even drive it anywhere and I think they've had to push the car to the garage. So my thought is the clutch, but I'm waiting to get a confirmation from the dealership. What surprises me, if this is the case, is I never rest my foot on the clutch pedal went not using it, and tried to shift smoothly, so it shouldn't be slipping this soon (~40K miles)?? On my last car (Saturn SC2), with manual, I never had trouble with clutch though-out its 110K miles, nor with my previous cars, so I'm not sure I'm messing up the clutch?? So it's probably not the gas, but just clutch. Is this a common problem with MINI? I don't recall hearing much about clutch issues with 'young' MINIs? In any case, they'll cover it with warranty, whatever it is. Thanks everyone and I'll keep you all posted. P.S. I have a SmartGuage, if that's what you were talking about? I love it! :rock:
  8. Hi all, This is basically a copy of an email I'm sending to a service advisor at a MINI dealership, and wanted to see if any of you might have a thought or two on what's going on. Thanks in advance! When I drove my car (MINI Cooper S, 2007) in Sports mode (as always) I noticed something strange when accelerating (that is, feeding gas). It seems to be using too much gas and thus the RPMs are jumping very high and rather suddenly--normally it's smoother, but not in this case. Also it sometimes feel like I'm not feeding it enough gas when I start off (almost stalled, very rough running). It's almost like there's some kind of sticky valves feeding gas, but I'm not sure if MINI has such valves that would get sticky? This has been going on since yesterday (Thursday). The last time I drove before yesterday was last Saturday and I don't recall any such problems. One other thought I have is I wonder whether I got bad gas from the Shell station in front of the Landmark Plaza? Does this sound like bad gas? I alway use octane 93 or 91 (if 93 is not available), and always from Shell or other Top Tier stations.
  9. Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make it, as I've got work and other things going on that weekend. :banghead: IIRC, ferry tickets are not transferable, correct? If I misremembered this, I've got one ferry ticket...otherwise I'll just eat the
  10. Sounds like fun!! But how early would we have to leave here DC in order to make to Yai Yai's Bakery by *** 7 *** am?? :sleep: Maybe we should motor up the night before to some nearby hotel?
  11. Gosh, would love to go, but I'm flying out on the 13th in the morning, so probably won't have time (what with packing, etc). :banghead:
  12. Hi, Just wanted to clarify something--at the end of the hunt, at Union Jack, do we turn over the camera card to someone? Or do they just look at the pictures on the camera to verify we found whatever we're looking for? Thanks!
  13. Ran into TGGRR :itsme: at PMoA yesterday around noon, when I dropped by for a free state inspection. And then later on in the afternoon, saw a BRG with white bonnet stripes on southbound Rt 1 with a DCMM stick on the back window (I was on your right rear, about 1 car back) at about 2:20 pm. Also waved to a couple of other MINIs and got one wave back. :top:
  14. Unfortunately I've got too much work to do (both work and school), so I need to drop out. :banghead: Have fun everyone!!! :rock:
  15. Interesting--the MINI web site only said coolant, g-force and relative torque were available. I'm real surprised that's all the options they have. :hmmmm: The coolant gauge would be cool (even almost mandated), but I'm surprised they didn't have gauges for oil temp, volts, that sort of thing (although I'm sure the other two available are cool, just didn't seem as useful as oil temp, etc). Hopefully MINI will come out with more gauges--otherwise maybe one would have to go the third-party route.
  16. OH c***, I got my dates all mixed up and missed this! :banghead: Looks like everyone had a great time! Any chance of a replay?
  17. ...are dogs not welcome, because of the restaurant and the orchard? :s:
  18. Do we vote before or after
  19. Hi, For the last week or so, I keep seeing a fellow DCMMer's MINI at my company, a major consulting company. This MINI is a dark grey MCS with black 'viper' stripes (I think) and customized scoop, and usually park in a corner of the parking garage (today the car's parked in the NE corner of the parking garage, on P4). How do I know the car owner is a fellow DCMM member? Easy--grill badge holder proudly showing the DCMM badge! :top: The MINI in question has MD license plates that starts with "MCC" and few other stickers on the side window. Today Dora (dark green with gold stripes) is parked about a car away, only because some meanie took the space next to the MINI. Obviously she'd like to spend the workday with a fellow MINI, rather than be all by herself among strangers.... :bored: PM me if that was you. :wavey:
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