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Everything posted by ZugZugMcD

  1. Busy weekend! Parked near a LB/W MCs with VA tags at the Gettysburg National Park Visitor's Center on Sunday and a DS/B Clubman S there again on Monday! When I got home that evening, I spoke with a nice fellow in a CR/B JCW on Labor Day at the Giant in Pasadena. He even gave me a "Happy Motoring"! He took off before me and that JCW had a beautiful sounding growl to it.
  2. Very nice!
  3. That's an undocumented feature for your convenience :rofl:
  4. My understanding is that the 2nd gen hasn't had the mushrooming problem. That hasn't stopped vendors from making them however.
  5. I love Xena
  6. I added stripes recently. I like how they put them right over the hood scoop so my new M7 scoop is sitting in a box until I decide what to do! :questionmark::hmmmm2:
  7. For a good how to, check out page 19: http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dto_magazine_download.php?m=1
  8. This morning I passed a black JCW with "06JCW" tag on 695 around Pikesville. She waived back.... surely must be a member:wavey:
  9. Sorry for your loss Take care and we'll see you some other time.
  10. Looks fantastic! Nicely done =)
  11. Great pics! I was at Udvar-Hazy a couple of weeks ago! :idea: Let's play "Which car doesn't belong": :rofl:
  12. Did you have them check out what the code was? Just curious...
  13. Ha! :top: Works great! I blacked out my grill and headlight trim late last year. It's starting to show small chips now but instead of adding another coat to cover, I bought some gloss black vinyl.
  14. Yes it still works. Perhaps we have different policies in MD. When the battery died on my wife's EZ Pass, she just received a replacement. And now we can pick them up at the grocery store... I like the sunroof idea! :idea:
  15. I've always hated having that big white EZ Pass stuck to my windshield. Sure I could have put it somewhere else and more out of sight... But I still had a little bit left in my can of Plasti-Dip :rock: Before: After: Yes...very dirty car
  16. I saw a very sharp looking Silver MC with a flat black driver side stripe and what appeared to be OZ Ultraleggera (or that style) wheels this morning (7/20) on 695 between Bel Air Rd and White Marsh Blvd entrance ramp. It was on the right side with it's hazard lights on and nobody in it. I was all the way in the left lane with bumper to bumper traffic so I couldn't pull over... Hopefully just out of gas....
  17. Mt. Washington Tavern is quite nice as well! (and a favorite post-hockey game hangout for me many years ago!)
  18. The family and I had a fantastic time at the picnic. Thank you everyone :top:
  19. Sounds good! I'll send a PM with the address.
  20. Are you coming to the Picnic this weekend? If so, I live close and I'd be happy to give you a hand. I have everything you need so you wouldn't need to bring anything except the oil and filter.
  21. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll give John a call. Nice and close too....could have them put on while I'm at work =)
  22. Welcome Clutch! I'll keep an eye out for you since we're practically neighbors (Pasadena) :itsme:
  23. I purchased a set of Viper stripes for my Clubman but I don't think it's a job that I would want to do myself... Can anyone recommend an installer in Maryland? I live in northern Anne Arundel County but anywhere from outside of DC to north of Baltimore would work... Thanks! :top:
  24. My Clubman.... "86" Business in the Front... :motor: Party in the Back.... :rock:
  25. According to the directions, the heated mirror can still work.... most likely not as well, but in theory it sounds like it would still have some effect.
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