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Posts posted by VioletDC

  1. Ditto!!!



    :motor: :rock: :motor: :rock: :motor: :rock: :motor: :rock: :motor: :rock: :motor: :rock:




    :marshmellow: :elephant: :marshmellow: :elephant: :marshmellow: :elephant: :marshmellow: :elephant: :marshmellow:




    :cheers: :beer::cheers::beer: :cheers::beer: :cheers::beer:


    :motor: :burnout::motor: :burnout::motor::burnout: :motor::burnout: :motor: :burnout::motor:


    :turtle: :sheep: :slug:



  2. Well I'm planning to get up at the :reddy: of dawn to meet them for their pre-run.


    Wheels up at the Silver Diner in Springfield at 7AM I think it's just Audrey and I. Or should I say Scoopie and Tigger


    Yes, Scoopie & Tigger will get 2 play on the road 2gether ... awesome! :top:

  3. I'm wondering if 95 is as bad now that school has started, but I honestly hate doing caravans on highways. So if we do go in a group, it's better to find a back road route.


    If there's no traffic Richmond is like a 1.5 - 2 hours to get to and wheels up is at 9:30. So to caravan we need to meet pretty early, probably 7:00 to plan on getting their by 9:00.


    Any thoughts on that? Route suggestions that avoid 95?Ali


    I usually avoid 95S at any cost, but leaving that early on a Sat am might not be 2 bad.

  4. Just a thought for those interested in the post M&G at PMOA, wouldn't the parking lot across the street (Landmark Mall) be a good location for lots of space to put in the seafoam quickly and hop on the road to get the smoke out? That way Ali's neighbors wouldn't complain.


    Sounds good 2 me!


    Also, how often should this be done? Scoopie is 5 now and has never had it b4--is this a case of 'once u start, u have 2 continue doing it 4ever'?

  5. Ok, if anyone wants to come over tomorrow night, please PM me and I'll reply with my street address.

    Alan - I know you know my address, so just let me know if you are coming over.


    Like I said, I don't want to do more then 4 cars, and what we'll do is drive right out of the neighborhood once we have started the smoking.



    Arrrgghhh! I 4got 2 bring it w/me! :banghead: So, if folks are coming by 2nite, that's fine ... if u're free after the M&G @ PMoA, I'll be sure 2 bring it w/me then.

  6. I'm free every night but Tues, I have homework to do, but I can spare 45 minutes to do Seafoam if you don't mind coming over.



    Thanks, Ali! How about 2morrow night, if I'm not working? I'll let u know 4 sure ... just have 2 remember 2 put the can in Scoopie's boot 2nite ... :smile:

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