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Vienna Cars & Coffee Meet Up

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Event Title: Vienna Cars & Coffee Meet Up

Event Date: 06/19/2022 12:00 AM to 06/19/2022 05:30 AM

Event Address:

Just a heads up if anyone would like to roll their MINI out to this smaller local C&C event.  I know someone active in the local Miata scene and they've been trying to get me out there, so figured why ONE MINI when there could be MANY MINI'S?!  It's a super chill event, a lot of different makes and models (as is the C&C way) and pretty local to those of us in the Fairfax area.

Please see details below from their FB Page:



Vienna car enthusiasts who love Cars and Community. Providing an opportunity to get together to chat, learn, help, grow, and better the community. Our event is held the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from 7:30-9:30AM in the Cedar Park Shopping Center (corner of Cedar Lane and Park Street). We have a running podcast from the shop and always pick a car for a podcast story spotlight to highlight the owner, their car and their story. Extremely kid friendly! Bringing a car is optional, socializing as a community is a must. Finally, we also ask that folks who come consider bringing a non perishable food item for us to share with Vienna Foodies to help them with their mission of assisting the food insecure in the area. Check our event details for more specifics. Thx!!!


RSVP on the event here: 




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