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Everything posted by unstable

  1. I sort of see it. How do the fogs (not hi beam replacements) do in conjunction with your regular light beams?
  2. Im certain someone can explain this better than i can...but here goes... When its rainy or foggy out, the yellow light "cuts" through those better. It has to do with the way the white light gets reflected or something.
  3. I want traditional amber fog lights and i have two choices. Install another set of lights or replace the white bulb with an amber one in the existing fog lights. Im not sold on the real value of adding more lights. I know they look good and lots of folks have them, but how often do you actually use them? Has anyone replaced the existing fog light bulb with an amber bulb or replaced the whole light with something else?
  4. He is aware of the club, and will be signing up for the forums...as for becoming an actual club member; i don't know (i would guess yes).
  5. Stop looking, he bought an 07....
  6. I had a GREAT time, thank you to all who were involved in putting this on.
  7. Standing around in the cold wasn't the best, still nice to get together with folks and meet some new faces. I wasn't blown away by the Exotic car show, but was still a god plan B. Really a great outing to break up the holiday stuff.
  8. Thats what I'm thinking.
  9. So sorry for your lose, i couldn't image having to deal with such a tragedy. Along with the monetary donation, is there anything else we can do?
  10. I have a 5X10
  11. This just got extra interesting..... Washington Lamborghini "We're locked and loaded for our 2nd DC Exotics show here at our dealership this coming Saturday at 9:00AM. See you here!
  12. I installed the Madness Motorworks CAI. Pretty quick and painless install.
  13. I was looking and didn't really see anything, so I figured I would ask. Is there a "this is what you need to know" type of thread regarding MOTD? Or an adopt a newbie program? My thought process is, i have a ton of questions, don't really know where to start....like where are folks staying, is there an fee's and any other sort of "insider" tips to get ready for the weekend. Or am i over thinking it and if so then someone tell me to shut up.
  14. Im hoping to go, trying to figure out how to make it fit with various Graduations and other obligations the same month.
  15. If I'm reading this right, we came in second. http://gmchristmasparade.org
  16. That was awesome, we had a blast! Great job everyone and Thank you Cory, for setting it all up, way to go!!!
  17. OK, great! See you in the early AM.
  18. Are we going to be able to get to the staging area from P tuning? I just looked at where P-Tuning is on the map, and they are past the end of the parade route, which means for us to get to the staging area we need to drive up the parade route. Do we know what time they are closing the roads?
  19. We had a great time and it was great meeting more folks! Yeah the smoke wasn't great.
  20. Does anyone else feel like this is a huge understatement?
  21. Had a great time and it was great to meet some more folks!
  22. Sign me up as a piece of candy.
  23. Yes, I assumed new belt too. What is the deal with replacing the plugs to run, cooler plugs?
  24. Yes, I'm late to the party and a newbie.... That being said, how hard is the pulley install to DIY? I see there is also a pulley removal tool, is this needed or just something nice to have? What else should i consider changing while doing this? (besides CAI and cutback exhaust) Thanks Brian
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