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Everything posted by Ice

  1. Any news on the pre-run?
  2. Ice

    MTTB 7 parade

    I did a long time ago I am in to help.
  3. Ice

    MTTB 7 parade

    I am in.
  4. Ice

    MTTB 7 parade

    Ordered mine
  5. Ice

    MTTB 7 parade

    Nope, I will be lucky just to get IceBox clean.
  6. For anyone who may be intrested. So far Furious 7 has made its money back. Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $143,623,000 37.4% + Foreign: $240,400,000 62.6% = Worldwide: $384,023,000
  7. Ali get a better antenna.
  8. I would not count on them fixing the road to fast.
  9. And you waved back.....nice to see you! Roy/Ice
  10. Meeting you there.
  11. Thank you got mine.
  12. Ice

    MINIs in Foliage

    Ok I got an answer from them. Registration will be open in a month or 2.
  13. Ice

    MINIs in Foliage

    The registration says it is closed but you can still go to the next page. If it is closed should this not be working?
  14. How often would you all do this? If you want to make a party of it come on out here. 2.5 acres of open land in my yard and I don't care how smokey it gets.
  15. Oh wow I better say yes on the FB page as well.
  16. Has anyone called to let them know we are coming as a group?
  17. When I talked to them last year they asked that we let them know how many will be in the group and they will set aside an area for us.
  18. Actually it is near Winchester and if you are going West on 66 this would be North of you where it is. So it would not work most likely.
  19. Welcome to our Mini world!
  20. Lol I should read the last post before posting.
  21. I think you should all meet up at Apple Valley Mall and then drive there. Not a lot of stopping area near the place.
  22. I wanted to do something orange on mine but my wife said no way....I thought it would look nice though.
  23. I would rather get this done when it was warmer.
  24. I am guessing we need a garage since Criag is no longer with us here. I could ask my brother but getting everyone into his development would be a challenge since he is in a gated community. But I could ask him it would have to be on a Sunday so I could be there to get people in.
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