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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. absolutely they do...in the daytime I use them like DRLs...but at night time I treat them like high beams and use them as such; when it's dark, I'm in a heavily wooded area, and there's no oncoming traffic... ...and sometimes for the jack@$$ that decides to tailgate me. :top:
  2. thanks dude! haha, I didn't even know it had to be broken in! I'm looking forward to that now. Stupid question here...about how long is a 'break in' period?
  3. nothing wrong with the invidia system/muffler at all. with the resonator gone, I loved how it sounded. honestly it all comes down to this: I was surfing for an exhaust system I wanted to throw on my truck...that's how I came across the flowmaster line up...and then the super 10. After I heard how dramatically it changed the sound for other cars/trucks (for the better)...my interest was now peaked for the mini. But g'damnit, not a single video out there on a mini + super 10 combination. and it was nly $60 bucks?? And just like that, my mind was made. For only $60 bucks I could make a legit contribution to the mini world. lol, I literally put this muffler on my mini...so I could have something to post about on NAM. lol, pathetic huh? lol, this super 10 venture was a complete 'science experiment'...but it just so happens that the end result was what I was gunning for from the very beginning. Completely dumb luck. I even had meineke make sure they cut the invidia out in a way that they could easily weld it back just in case I wasn't happy. But it's safe to say that I won't be going back to the invidia. not knocking the invidia set up, I know you've got it too, but I've found the sound I've been looking for! :top:
  4. hell yeah, definitely plan to, one of these days the stars will align and I won't be working the weekend of a meet up!
  5. hahaha yeahh....I meant...'shoot' thanks gents...I'll try to get a better rev video done...some time...some where, away from neighbors haha.
  6. haha, don't laugh...
  7. Parked next to an MCS at the starbucks in Chantilly. Had the license plate "Umarex" or something like that. yeah..that was mine with the gutted interior and mtn bike on the rack haha, I was watching from my table as you did a double take at the interior of my car and had the biggest "WTF did he do his car??" look on your face! lolol...almost spit my coffee out. G'damn I love that reaction...:laugh:
  8. hahaha, dude I'm in the SAME exact boat. I'm tempted to just go the lowering spring route to save some dough to put towards lights...but I know I won't be satisfied and end up upgrading to coilovers later. Argh! decisions decisions lol But this came in today- my flowmaster super 10! Super excited to see how it sounds. The one other person out there that tried this muffler didn't capture it on youtube or anything and he quickly got rid of it because he found it too loud. This muffler completely transformed the sounds of other cars I heard so I'm mad curious what it will do to the mini when mated to an invidia catback with no resonator. Pretty sure this is going to be head pounding/ear bleeding loud inside the cabin lolol. For Science!
  9. ahhh I see, I didn't know that...thanks for the heads up!
  10. I wish I was at that level where I could just buy a motor and break it down and install it! Mad props to you good sir! You should have an open garage day so noobs like me can watch and learn!
  11. :top: btw, these headlights are the easiest to remove I've ever dealt with. I just had to undo 3 easily accessible bolts and the headlights slid right out. So install should be pretty easy I imagine. We'll see! I didn't know about the ECU re-programming...when I hear 'plug and play' though, I assume just that. hmmm..will have to check with Way.
  12. awesome dude! throw a hayabusa motor in there!
  13. ohhhh snip snap...Way's got these stocked now (at least it's new to me...and I peruse his site very often...don't think I would've missed this): http://www.waymotorworks.com/xenon-headlight-retrofit-kit-r55-r56-r57-r58-r59.html Plug and play? For 900 bucks? C'monnn tax return!
  14. hahaha, I know right! where's the love?? lolol, I don't blame them, it was freezing cold. I would've waved them off anyway. And everything's good...thankfuly it was only one of those sloped neighborhood curves that I hopped on to. Although I do have a couple new scratches above the left rear tail light from running into a set of bushes haha. oh well, it adds character! all in all, it was a pretty fun experience. I may or may not have been at fault for inducing that 360 slide
  15. You: A white with black stripes cooper s, very dark tint, coming down Aspen Hill road towards viers mill, about 630am today. Me: Just got done doing a 360 and was hopped up on a curb, my slide stopped by some bushes. I stuck my hand out to wave to you...but you didn't wave back.
  16. I really want to pick these up. It's about 200 bucks off. I don't mind that they're used. But I really need to finish my motorcycle build before spring time so it'll be ready to sell.
  17. Hey there's a 'used' set of these coilovers on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/MEGAN-EZ-STREET-COILOVER-SUSPENSION-DAMPER-SET-07-UP-MINI-COOPER-S-R55-R56-R57-/221345305860?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3389355504&vxp=mtr
  18. craig- buyer found. I'm giving you a ring in a bit to discuss when he can come by to pick it up
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