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Posts posted by RDG_RCR

  1. Ok, so I have an idea. Since we are doing the sprint race the price is now $85. I plan on repaying everyone on race day OR we can put into a pot and the winner takes all (or we can divide between 1st, 2nd, 3rd). If we fill all 20 spots it's $100. What do you think?

  2. I'm very interested and just need to check calendar and wifey first. Most likely, I'll be a go though.


    QUICK NOTE: To anyone considering this... if you're concerned about the price and thinking "for go karts!?"... don't be! These are not the average karts that you find at the mini-golf places in Myrtle Beach. These are high-perf karts on a very high-quality track. So, those that aren't sure, I think if you commit and come you'll have an absolute blast! I've done this twice before and speak from experience!


    Thanks Alan!

  3. WOOT! My girl is underway on the Carmen, scheduled to hit the VDC in B'more on the 3rd. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I might actually have her in time to drive her to cart day!



    Awesome! That will be quite the weekend for the debut.

  4. I'm really looking forward to this event. :biggrin:


    ...although I'm expecting to be one of the slowest people out there. When it comes to karts, body weight makes a HUGE difference because of the greater impact on overall power/weight ratio, and I'm one of the bigger people who usually participates. Ah well, I don't care, it's a blast! :motor:


    The last time Sara and I were there, she was beating me, I have never so sad and proud at the same time!:top:

  5. Just a reminder to everyone, only 9 more days to sign up and get us slated for the Sprint Kart racing. If we do not make this dead line we will have to limit the amount of drivers to only 11! We currently have 8 paid in full members, not including Wahoo_shoe's check that is in the mail (+2). So really we only have one more spot to fill. :motor:

  6. I just dropped my check in the mail for 2, will probably send another check for a third but I don't have his money yet. So you're 1/2 way to the extra 4 :top:


    Awesome, looks like I will have to contact Allsports soon to upgrade our package.:rock:

  7. Most of everything has been said but for the newbies, the dragon has come a long way since the first time I went (I think 2003 or 04). The NC side use to be rough, torn up and uneven and now there are actual PAVED pull offs..use them! It use to be a 3inch drop into gravel (if you were lucky) if you needed to make room for drivers drifting into your lane or the dangerous impatient driver riding your tail and making you drive outside of your comfort zone. It can't be said enough, leave your ego at the camp site. Be weary of the photographers (killboy ect.) Drivers tend to show off in front of them and get into hairy situations. Also, if you happen to be driving dangerously people (especially the locals) will have no problem calling you out. And just because you may not get caught while you are there, you can't hide from the internet, many of us will have go-pros on our cars (including me) and there will hundreds of other cameras around to catch you in the act. Drive safe and don't be "that guy".

  8. I designed shirts for a kickball team and everyone wanted something "bright". They got neon/radioactive green/yellow. You could see them a mile away in the dark. Careful what you ask for :biggrin:


    Haha, I drive a bright yellow car, use to it :) But I don't mean Neon, just not black/Navy/grey.

  9. The design process has begun. I'll update when we've picked a design. :top:


    Is there a color preference on the actual shirts? We did white last year, navy blue the year before and before that we did multiple colors.


    Maybe something bright, so we can stand out a little.

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