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Posts posted by RDG_RCR

  1. This is pretty unofficial, no caravans or anything. Duane and I are planning on attending Katie's Cars and Coffee tomorrow morning and on the way back we are going to stop at PTuning. Duane has never been and wants to check it out. Just wanted to get the word out and see if anyone else wants to meet us there.


    EDIT: I put this on the wrong day.

  2. It was a challenging shot and I was experimenting with it... I took that shot from a little over 1/4 mile away and cropped it down to tighten the focus on the aircraft. What I had been going for when I took the shot (and converted it) was a newspaperish/photojournalistic look if that makes any sense. As I was playing with the conversions I ended up with this...




    No HDR there. That was a single exposure. What I did was a bit of masking so I could brighten up and boost the saturation of the rocks only.


    So did you just use a ND filter and/or slow shutter for the water? Looks great!

  3. I just looked at my comments, I meant the second was my favorite. Then my suggestions actually make sense. I have a thing for reflections and I like seeing them prominent in an image


    That's what I figured once you mentioned the bridge.:itsme:

  4. OK, here goes two portraits. One is Sherman and Joanne's beautiful daughter Sasha and the other is our very own Stephanie with her friend Leah.


    I like the shot of Sasha because the post processing seems to go well with her look and expression. I find the expressions on Stephanie and Leah interesting, as if they were disturbed during a moment of gossip.


    I have the shots on my site, but I can't figure out how to show them embedded from the link. So I am updating the pictures


    1. Nothing to really say about this one, you know I'm not a huge fan of using alot of editing (unless it is correction type), so this is just a matter of taste. It doesn't look bad in any way, very sharp!


    2. Another good one Ali, I agree with the others though, I wish Leah was in focus. She is so prominent in the photo and looking at the camera. If she was a little deeper in the background and focusing on something/someone else it wouldn't be as distracting.



    Hope more people start participating with the photo aspect of the thread! Thanks for everyones comments so far. I hope this afternoon I will be able to put your suggestions to use!

  5. All three are gorgeous scenes, but they all seem a bit overexposed to me. I think I would darken them up a bit, possibly just targeting the highlights. To me, picture 3's hot spot in the upper right is big enough to be distracting.


    I think I'd crop picture #1 down a bit tighter. The girl in the background in the center is out of focus while the branches in the foreground are in focus. The problem is that my eyes keep getting drawn to her... By cropping it in you can move her a bit lower in the frame and possibly not draw the eye to it. What I wouldn't do is sharpen it at all... The softer focus will preserve the ethereal lighting...


    #2 is crooked...


    And now that I've posted that, I'll also add that I'm just an untrained enthusiast myself and hardly a great photographer... Those suggestions are what I would do if they were my photos, but it doesn't mean that those changes are right or even would achieve what you were trying to achieve when you took the picture...


    The overexposure was done on purpose, but should not be distracting, I will try and darken it a bit without losing the effect I wanted to achieve.



    1. I'll give it a shot, I'll make the changes and add it under the original.


    2. Easy fix, thanks!


    3. I'll see what I can do about that hot spot, also, the reflection (retangular spot) at the bottom of the photo is distracting. I will get rid of that.


    Ali, you can submit anything you want, as long as it is not a car.

  6. They're the exact same shots, but you can download high res from my site


    I know, but they are degraded on FB, these are much clearer! I don't upload to FB anymore for that reason...That and they own the rights to the photos.

  7. I put my shots up here.




    After processing I realized I didn't shoot a single MINI, What was I thinking???? I remember thinking about getting shots of MINIs, but I never actually took one. I did get some cool tunnel shots and some fun shots of Erin and Catalina playing in the water. Also got Casper enjoying a roll in some dirt.





    Much better than the FB versions!

  8. Dur... I forgot to thank Ali as well for putting this all together! This would probably also make a great run in the fall, as the colors start to change (and keep in mind that they'd probably change up there sooner than they do here). :)


    My pictures are uploaded... full size right now, so download or get prints or whatever you want. I'll be resizing them to Google's max size so that they don't count against my space limit soon.





    Nice shots! Where did you find that turtle?!

  9. These are a few shots from Central Park, I believe one of them has been a little touched up, the other two are right from the camera. I really really liked the lighting I was getting and was shooting into the sun to get that warm glow, to me it kind of looks like something out of a children's fairy tale book. These were taken with Canon T2i and a Canon 28-70 2.8L.


    1. 9119568299_d656591470_c.jpg


    2. 9119570271_35fae43cb3_c.jpg


    3. 9119567965_7760c81e5c_c.jpg

  10. Ok, I need to get back into the photo game, especially since I just bought some new (to me) gear. Here are the only rules:


    1. NO CARS!! there are plenty of threads dedicated to the subject. Everything else is fair game.


    2. Include a small description on what you were aiming for.


    3. Multiple pics encouraged.


    4. Constructive criticism allowed. Don't be a jerk, this is to help everyone step up their game. This goes both ways, don't post the photos if you can't handle a little heat.


    5. When quoting someone, please don't quote the photos over and over again.


    Have fun! I'll start us off in the next post!

  11. Thanks Ali, you did a great job! Great seeing everyone today, it was nice for Minnie to stretch her legs a bit. Here are a few snap shots right from the camera. I didn't get many photos, I wish I would have taken some at the meet up spot, but I thought we might have had some other photo ops later on. I'm not sure what I will do with Ali's twerk photos yet:evil:









  12. Anybody else?



    I may have to bow out of this one...I'll know for sure by next week!


    Confirmed.... I'm going to play it safe and sit this one out. Can't wait to hear how it goes though!

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