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Everything posted by TheMichael

  1. I think the rain sensor is something completely different... it doesn't matter how fast you go, but rather how much rain is on the windshield. To be honest, I've never even used the intermittent wipers because the sensor works so well...
  2. Ug. 31 Days to repair. It really didn't look that bad, but I guess looks can be deceiving. Are MINIs always this expensive to fix???
  3. ooohh... neat.
  4. Great costumes everyone!
  5. pics! pics! pics!
  6. I know!!! Beautiful weather, top down, and I never got to show off! The nerve of some people!
  7. anytime you have an incidence with DEERS is a bad day...
  8. I work hard for the money so that Ican treat her right... Then again, sometimes I have to work here:
  9. that's why I call them cow whistles... I'm pretty sure no one has hit a cow when they have them, either. . it's really hard to prove a negative. Sonja gets dropped off for repairs tomorrow.... I'm kind of nervous about it.....
  10. was driving around NoVa today and didn't see a single MINI.... what's up with that? I'm used to it on my daily drive, but NoVa is usually a veritable cornucopia of MINIs!
  11. ah, glad to see others share my view of cow...I mean deer... whistles! I think there's just no substitute for careful, alert driving.
  12. btw... does PMMoCo offer rentals???
  13. It's all bad… I'm hating life, you're hating life, nothing is good....
  14. if the wheel is bent, it has already exceeded the elastic limit and experienced plastic deformation. might still be on, though...
  15. I'm ok, but thank you for asking. I tend to drive somewhat slowly in the mornings anyway because of just this thing, but sometimes you just can't win. I'm mostly annoyed because if I'd hit the deer, I wouldn't be at fault, but since I didn't, I am. Not even 4k on Sonja, yet... grumblegrumblegrumble.
  16. Apparently, deer love Sonja just as much as I do.... driving to work yesterday and one decided to come take a closer look. Braking and swerving to miss this beast, Sonja went off the road and hit a tree. I am not happy right now. After talking with insurance, I'd have been better off if I just went and hit the foul creature...
  17. TheMichael

    Group Tint

    Yes, thank you to everyone for putting this together and dropping out fortuitously!
  18. TheMichael

    Group Tint

    oh, no. Sonja wants her shades! 50% all the way!!!!
  19. TheMichael

    Group Tint

    I'll take it!
  20. I *should* be in town.... so wanting to do this!!
  21. you mean that's not normal? And here I thought you were setting a "moderate" pace... :rock:
  22. Oh, no worries about the radio... since I had to pull out before the park anyway, it was probably for the best. We were lucky the combine turned off when it did... it would have been much worse if it hadn't!
  23. the run was a lot of fun today! I think I'm going to need to pick up a radio for the next one, though!
  24. TheMichael

    Group Tint

    well, crap. That filled up fast...
  25. but it's SOOOOOOO Worth It!!! :top:
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