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Everything posted by MiniMe

  1. Thanks a bunch, will call them!
  2. Anyone know a good garage besides Passport MINI, not that they are not good but my MINI needs a Thermostat. $$$$$ thanks!:rock:
  3. Welcome !!! Look forward to seeing you and your Mini out there!
  4. lotta driving for a test run wow!
  5. I have seen the oil change demonstrated on YouTube and it looks easy. 36mm to take the filter off and then some other size for the drain plug. YouTube even tells me how to reset the oil change reminder on the Mini.. Love YouTube for everything.
  6. Nice job, looks good!
  7. wow, so removing the dome light is a major deal lol. Found good directions on NorthAmerican Motoring but havent done it yet. I hate the way the light comes on evertime i seem to just move. Open door, close door, key in, key out.. its the biggest annoyance of the car. Think I'll put an LED orange in there to match. will let y'all know how that goes
  8. I would do it if I had a scoop... feeling so left out lol
  9. got a link to the light bar website? thanks:questionmark:
  10. Welcome, looks nice
  11. wonder why I'm averaging 30 MPG.. using 89 so I dunno
  12. wow, looks really cold and nasty there
  13. sounds interesting, I'll have to check into that
  14. ran across a post and had to check out your profile to find a pic of a Purple Mini.. wow, looks awesome. Haven't seen one on the road yet.. maybe a rare color? Mine is Yellow so that doesn't seem too common either.
  15. yeah, Ive seen it done, totally dooable for the self install
  16. MiniMe

    wet mini

  17. Waxing the wheels does work, but I'm gonna get some black wheels..
  18. Hi.. good luck. Yeah it does seem like there are so many Mini's around. I just moved here from Colorado and traded my Hummer for a Mini convertible, Yellow with the black stripe. Mr Buzzy. So, it's great this club is here too. Looking forward to some events. Good luck with your car
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