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Everything posted by Bigprfed22

  1. Digging the new look dan!
  2. :shakehands: thanks Ali
  3. me or an evil twin i have around here...:banghead: and i got it cause it was rare:laugh: after all my mods its still a damn hoot:motor: THANKS!
  4. :rock:
  5. http://realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=RE33&mospid=48021&btnr=11_3390&hg=11&fg=35
  6. :stupid:Crazy WAVER! ill wave at ya:top: :motor:
  7. Any funky smells in the car? if not x out the heater core. what year coop?
  8. :marshmellow:weight's the name of the game so when i lose more ill be even :vroom:
  9. Im over at DELL on the corner of 50 and gallows, saw a red loaner today:wavey:. Some guy in a 350z had to have his ego broken this morning by the RMW Tune:motor:(torque steer)... face was priceless:hahaha: :hmpf: :rofl:
  10. yeah they are for power folding mirrors.
  11. $40 for all three (including a never touched rear view cover), just trying to make space, between car parts and moto race parts my closet is full.
  12. Waiting for jan to show up in the area for my clean up tune, wicked fast already. Any one know the next time hes coming out:questionmark:
  13. :cheers: To Doug Whalen!
  14. Make sure the engine is up to temp and wait 10-20min's before cranking it:top: Also try and have a buddy cut it off as your sucking it in so some stays in the tract.
  15. :wavey: "us2bwrx" from s2ki.com 1zeinszett FTW:rofl: Im a detail nut too, check http://www.detailersdomain.com:top:
  16. Saw these in person! Look nice!
  17. :shakehands: Thank you... I was gonna lower but will wait till after winter to purchase coil overs, with all the torque from the tune i get bad wheel spin in first :motor:
  18. :wavey: I work by Gallows and 50 and see a few minis every day. :wavey: I'm a waver here so i know ive seen a few on here:congrats:
  19. Saw ya this morning, im at DELL :wavey: on the corner of 50 and gallows
  20. :wavey: Springfield area, Mirror caps are now black, any one want the union blacks and mirror cover!?:santaclaus: Detailing capabilities, "Wash Wacko" lol i was also an s2ki member:top: "us2bwrx" I am a waver:stupid:
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