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Everything posted by Bigprfed22

  1. grevies shopping center on gallows and 50, spotted a silver r53 with rota rb's, went to say hi but you were leaving as i was coming out of grabbing my lunch... try "elephant jumps" for thai food btw:itsme:
  2. Saw a yellow R56 with a roof rack crossing over 50 on gallows.
  3. We have to get a wash and shoot together:congrats: I am pretty much using manual mode on my super zoom, need a better tripod then my friends head :rofl:
  4. Llol No service light was present but good eye :top:, I had the brake on so the car didn't roll down the tunnel:hahaha:! I was all alone at Skyline no one around so the :motor: 'ing was AWESOME!
  5. Black magics will be on the way...:rock:
  6. Its actually an affordable super zoom. Fuji Fine pix 2700HD. I hope i could get a DSLR soon, so many different lenses give you an infinite selection of effect. :top: i got two wheels cleaned up :wavey:
  7. :rock: Got a new camera so i wanted to mess around with the panoramic settings and such. Pardon m friends hair, her head was my tri pod My Favorite Another one i like:top: :motor:
  8. I would've remembered :banghead: Must flash :stupid: LOL im on there usually aroun 6:30-7:00 heading home
  9. Is the r56 in there?
  10. :hahaha: lol i have wanted to use that smiley for a while.
  11. Thanks for dooming me to buy a ps3 just for this... I knew i shouldnt have joined this forum:banghead:
  12. i must possess this, hows the modding compared to forza? i miss the old gt style modding.
  13. Putting new/different pads on older rotors is ok to do. 1 thing will happen, 1.- the pads will lose life mating to the grooves of the rotors, by that i mean that the rotors will have groves in them whether visible or not and the pads will not reach maximum stopping power until these grooves are mated to the pads. It is not a bad thing but not a good thing either. Change away!
  14. :top: cant wait to see how they turn out.
  15. been watching how tos, the surface stuff i can get off but im probably gonna have to check them for bends. Any idea if any of them were bent of gave you a wobble?
  16. :rock::rock::rock:
  17. ali ill take em:rock:
  18. :rock: got hellas this wknd :top::top: Honk or flash at me!:stupid:
  19. i got 35% all around no issues... yet
  20. Waved to "H82b2nd" i think.
  21. hint hint!
  22. I went with the alta for the surface area and end tanks. plus got a steal off the marketplace for 450 brand new(800 from the dist.).:top: The difference is amazing, especially in the upper rpms. The way it cools temps is very efficient as well. The oem is made by VALEO and comes factory on the volvo c70 t5 from 02-05 i believe. Dinky little piece especially when you handle it. here are some pics i took over the weekend when i went for a little drive. and the alta temp difference chart...:top:
  23. :motor:
  24. I got one of these too! love it but i want to trade for a jcw factory exhaust... like the style better. So if anyone wants a borla... and has a factory jcw *Hint Hint*
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