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Everything posted by Gigi

  1. I saw a big box of them at his house as recent as a month ago when I was picking up a set exactly like the ones pictured for a friend. Since I have a R56, I wasn't really paying that much attention to Nathan's inventory. Sorry!
  2. I'm not sure if Gnatster (MotoringAlliance.com) has the style you like but I know he's got quite an inventory and is located near Dallas, TX. No custom agent required. :-)
  3. Is the A pillar mount a commercially available mount or something custom you fabricated? My guess is that you could hard wire the charging part of the mount and just pop the camera off/on as needed, correct? I hard wired my GPS and Valentine1 mounting brackets. Well, not me personally, but a MINI tech did it for me so that I could stop wrestling with power cords. Life is sooo much better. :dancing:
  4. How do you power it off the battery if it is mounted on the tow hook?
  5. Thanks for the info. I was thinking about mounting a camera to record some of the AMVIV runs. I see now that I need to do a little more prep!
  6. How does a Hero HD differ from a Motorsports Hero Wide Angle? A guy in the club I belong to in Texas is trying to sell his GoPro Motorsports Hero Wide Angle. Box never opened - $175. Do you think it will mount like you have yours shown in the pics? Is $175 a good price?
  7. Gigi

    Mt. Evans, Colorado

    From the album: Gigi

  8. Gigi

    Dr. Pepper, Texas

    From the album: Gigi

  9. Gigi

    Police Academy class

    From the album: Gigi

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