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Everything posted by TGGRRR (Ali)

  1. Weather is looking lovely for tomorrow. Looks like Tigger is coming out to play!!!! :motor:
  2. See you then
  3. We just found out that Mark's parents are coming to visit on Saturday and help us with stuff at the house. So we're going to come but leave from the Creamery so that we can get home in time to meet up with them. We need to prep the garage for the tint party which means build the fire pit so there's room for a MINI in the garage and the fire pit is on the deck where it belongs
  4. We didn't buy that insurance, but it sounds like it was worth it for you
  5. check the first post I updated the times
  6. Wooo Hoooo :party:
  7. What time slot do you want? Beverly and Jaime live there so they don't mind moving
  8. I'll be there and so will Melissa
  9. Join us for Happy hour at Teds's Bulletin tomorrow night, Tuesday June 21 2911 District Ave., Unit 160 Fairfax, VA 22031 We're meeting at 6:00 in the front bar. If You can't make exactly 6:00 we'll be there awhile
  10. I telework on Mondays but I did motor on to Whole Foods at lunch to go grocery shopping. Does that count? :motor: :rofl:
  11. We still have a few slots for part 2
  12. What Mike said is correct. If you're tinting the car anyway he charges $25 more if you want the windshield strip. If you only do the windshield strip it's $50
  13. Sorry i missed out just too much going on. How was the meet and greet?
  14. Looks good
  15. There's been some shuffling so there's still one spot for Sat and spots on Sunday too
  16. I'm putting you at 1:00
  17. Kamala looks awesome, she's so GRRRRRR RAWRRRR
  18. Sure, what time did you want. Jamie is flexible on time since she lives there and do is her roommate
  19. I'll meet in Leesburg too, the ferry is just fun Remember everyone is cash only on the ferry
  20. The Saturday at my house. I have two different events this is the main tint party event
  21. Appointment schedule 1. 08:30 John (Obsessive) Corvette 90 minutes 2. 10:00 Denny (Rchitct) 1 hourish 3. 11:00 John (voughtman) 1 hourish 4. 12:15 Matt (Sporkeh) 1 and a half hours 5 & 6. 2:00 Justin (Se7er) 3 hours 7. 5:00 Erik (04R53)
  22. I have you for both vehicles at 2:00
  23. Here's the current schedule but these times are flexible as both Jamie and Beverly live at the house. 1:00 John (voughtman) 1 hourish 2:15: DonRoss 1 hourish 3:30 Kris (hbk4eva) cabrio with ceramic 1.5 hours 5:00 Jamie Countryman hour and a half
  24. We're booked but don't worry. Jamie has kindly offered to host at her house. That event is here http://dcmetrominis.org/forum/topic/4239-tint-party-part-2/?do=findComment&comment=55902 They're starting at 1:00
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