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About lethalkrs

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    First Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
    Lusby, MD
  • Interests
    Photography, Movies.
  • Occupation


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
  • My MINIs Body Color
    British Racing Green
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
  1. Need to change RSVP to Yes with no guests
  2. Partnered up with an Indi (?) blue R50, w/ plate "funsiz", on the beltway and then onto route 4 last night. Received a greeting and goodbye wave. Saw a BRG R56, plate "MO", with a checkered roof and mirror caps at route 2 and 214 in Edgewater this morning. Unfortunately in the wife's subaru today, so may have looked a little strange to start waving at him.
  3. Does it do much for an R50? If so, I would love to join the party!
  4. I got the TSW upper motor mount, not really by choice. When trying to get a noisy belt fixed AutoX noticed the mount was leaking (which turned out to be bone dry). Of course that wasn't the only problem noticed, currently in the shop for a new crank pulley and lower motor mounts. Also had Chad at Detroit Tuned fix a faulty brake install, the shop didn't mount the rear pads correctly as they didn't clip them onto the calipers.:banghead:
  5. A picture is worth 1,000 words!!! :rock::motor::congrats:
  6. Good news from Dealsgap.com!!! :rock: :motor: Wednesday April 7 MONDAY 12 APRIL 2010 THE DRAGON WILL BE OPEN AT 8 AM. Ok gang great news.....it is official well all but the lawyer to say ok. TDOT will build a fence at the state line with a gate. They will open the Dragon for use from 8am until 8pm from the NC side only. There is still no way to get past the slide so you will have to turn around after the Dragon and return. Two THP will patrol as well as Graham county EMS will be the medical support. MONDAY 12 APRIL 2010 THE DRAGON WILL BE OPEN AT 8 AM. Folks we need to thanks for this are and they are not in order: US Congressmen Heath Schuler, NC Sen John Snow, NC Rep Roger West, TN Sen Doug Overbey, TN Commissioner Gerald Nicely, TN Rep McCord, all the folks at TDOT, the Graham County Commissioners for all the EMS support, THP, NCHP NC and TN Governor's staff and most importantly all the wonderful motorcycle and sport car groups and people who took the time to write, email, fax and call letting these folks know how much you love our area. Folks looks like great weather on Monday so come visit and ride the Dragon once again. Brad
  7. Well, I figured I should post pics of Oscar's new shoes since there seems to be a trend going on. Konig Feathers with Yokohama S-Drives 205/50
  8. Payment just sent!
  9. I installed mine. Was much, much easier than the boot and bonnet. Who did you get them from? Mighty Stripes has eBay listings with my car as the example photo. The instructions from Mighty Stripes said to use the wet method but I went the dry hinged way. Depending on the when and where, I could lend a hand. If you are going to the Meet and Greet tomorrow, maybe would could tackle it there if the weather is nice, since Green Cactus will be there too.
  10. Laura, Is there a lower lunch price for children? My 4 year old doesn't eat too much. Ken
  11. Where on route 1? May have been me. Did it have side stripes?
  12. Thanks. Yeah, I sent the person who did the signature a message and asked if he could add the stripes. Hopefully he will be able to do for me.
  13. Well, I went ahead and tackled the project this morning and it turned out pretty good. A couple blemishes, but nothing terrible. The boot and bonnet are from Aesthetic Creations. The side stripes are from Mighty Stripes. Not too bad a job for first try. Thanks to everyone for giving me the confidence to try it myself. Now I am just waiting for the paint pen to fix all those chips on the hood (damn rocks) and the rear fog to get rid of that piece of plastic. Will be hooking the rear fog up as a fourth brake light.
  14. Yeah, I will probably tackle this myself, just don't want to screw them up. And I am really picky and if they don't line up exactly right, it will drive me nuts. I would prefer someone with experience handle it, but $195 seems crazy. The side stripes are the angled stripes that run down the car behind the door so I won't have to lay on the ground. Sue at Mighty Stripes said those are about the easiest ones to do.
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