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Everything posted by mbongers

  1. Just an FYI it is Illegal in the Commonwealth of VA to drive barefoot or with flip flops. A friend of mine was run into in the airport parking lot because the guys flip flop got caught. He got a ticket for driving with flip flops plus had to pay for all repairs.
  2. Catalina There are pics on my Facebook page from last year.
  3. Woo Hoo, I'm there!
  4. I know we all love Cooper vineyards, but has anyone considered another vineyard? I know Prince Michaels on Rt. 29 host many car clubs Mercedes, BMW, Miata etc. They have a second parking lot that they reserve for the clubs plus they will even do a custom label for your event. Did I mention they also have a world class chef on site and a B&B? No im not getting any kickbacks but we had a blast when we visited.
  5. :motor:I dont mind the drive from Manassas, Hey I'm in my MINI motoring...Life is good!
  6. Unfortuneately, It happens.
  7. Violet, So sorry to hear you wont be joining us. I was looking forward to seeing a Purple blur running the dragon.
  8. 41 days 18 hours and 55 minutes!
  9. OK here is my two cents. At the Dragon last year it was Waylon from Way Motor works who discoverd the dealership had left the plastic shipping blocks in my front suspension while he was changing my engine mount! My hats off to Way Motor Works and by backside and kidneys are much happier too.
  10. Just Say NOOOOOOOOO
  11. I went to the course last year. it is a great course especially for folks who will be attending their first Dragon in April. :top:
  12. I'm All for getting there in time for :beer: Happy Hour!
  13. Hello Everyone, For those of you like myself who couldn't make this run today. You have a second opportunity, Craig and myself will be heading out to tomorrow morning and are looking for some more miniacs to join us. We will be meeting at the same pla
  14. Nice!
  15. Craig, You beat me too it! I'm also willing to go out Monday!
  16. I spoke to the Service Manager and he was pretty much kissing my butt. They are going to bring Rita in for an inspection and make sure no damage was done and he said they would definitely take care of me, not sure what that means but we will see.
  17. Rita got a new windshield graphic and I got a brand new suspension once we found and removed the shipping spacers on my front struts. I was blaming it all on the run flats!
  18. mbongers

    Auto Cross School

  19. mbongers


  20. mbongers


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