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About Jeremy1026

  • Rank
    Third Gear
    Third Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    Third Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S Convertible
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Interchange Yellow
  • My MINIs Roof Color
    Black Cloth
  • My MINIs Name
  1. Best part is, I can't even be at it, since I'm moving that day. :banghead:
  2. http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dc-metro-minis-archive/104000-sat-july-14th-5-00pm-dinner-6-30pm-movie-dcmm-dinner-and-a-drive-in.html http://dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthre
  3. GRRRR!!! Thanks for stealing my event.
  4. Loved the video, especially the 3:15 mark when the double yellow line became optional.
  5. It certainly was a great day for motoring. I like how when traffic opened up...so did the throttle :rock:
  6. CR/B Clubman S - 5:15pm - 695E @ Cromwell Bridge Road We road together around to I-95 where you broke off south I believe.
  7. I'm out of this event. Work doesn't want to cooperate, so while there are 50 MINIs traveling around 495, I'll be at work.
  8. Awesome. I am pumped for this. Do you know the approx. cost of the lunch?
  9. January 16th 2010
  10. I also would have no problem swinging by and picking them up Laura. I think I'm a bit closer then Katie is.
  11. Yeah, I had a long day yesterday, and waking up at 7am wasn't going to happen.
  12. Does Christine live next door or something :rofl:
  13. Whats the rules for cabrios?
  14. Mom and I were the same way. She kept saying, might want to slow down a bit at this one, so I drifted to the turn and then took it w
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