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Everything posted by MiniPol

  1. Thanks Chris ! It was a blast as always and THIS time it was NOT you that got anyone lost !!!!! Again, me and the family had a great time and we look forward to doing this next year as well.
  2. And it was a pleasure seeing you at MoT Bill ! Did Rose mention anything about a recall to you though ?
  3. Let my place a big (belated ?) welcome from a fellow Laser Blue Metallic owner !
  4. You're going to have to talk to your friends up there Chris to let us park on their land with some of those 60 MINIs !!!
  5. AWESOME run Rab ! Got a couple of OH @#$%s ! from my pax even when we caught some air in Ms. Brahms ! We missed you and your family Chris ! Larry was missed as well !
  6. Whilst I was heading towards Wegmans in Hunt Valley, gave a wave to a black (?) convertible with white go faster stripes on the bonnet... going topless they were. GOT A WAVE BACK !:top:
  7. 1 Pilot, 2 Pax, 3 total for lunch at the Cozy.
  8. Welcome to DCMM and the area. About the wave, TRUE MINIacs give and return waves here as well.... sometimes when you wave you get one in return. Sadly, not as often as one used to IMHO.
  9. Just came back from there meself ! Watched the State Police Chopper flying in circles around Wegmans.... a couple of hundred feet up. Gave a wave to another MINI on the way in.... no response .
  10. Your secret is safe with me Sir ! LOL !
  11. Here ! Here ! That's a +3 :top: to Steve for organizing , and a :congrats:for all those that took part ! It was fun being with all of you ! Next time I REALLY need to study for Marina's pop quizzes !
  12. See what you started Ed !?!??!?!?!? :laugh:
  13. No Ed... don't even think it.... DCMM members and a hot tub....
  14. +1 :top: Thanks to all ! It was a good time indeed !!
  15. It was a blast last year :rock: and I am looking forward to being able to make it this year as well (depending on the date)
  16. Maybe we can start a "Have you been tagged ?" Thread ?
  17. Thanks again to Bill for a spirited run in beautiful weather (as always)..... but most of all... for presenting me with the pleasure or hearing Greg (MiniNav) yell "OH **** !" on one of the turns... that indeed was priceless !!! Thanks to all that made
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