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About Russianrat

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  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S All4 Countryman
  • My MINIs Body Color
    British Racing Green
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
    Miss Marple

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  1. Hey, I have a 2019 F60 and I keep getting A notification that there is a navigation update and asks me if I want to use it now (restart of nav requires) or later. If I push now the nav opens but nothing else happens. If I push later nothing happens. It seemed like something should have loaded, but nothing ever does and it keeps coming up. Anyone have any idea? Anyone ever had that happen?
  2. speaking of smudges....what can I clean the display with? and what about cleaning the HUD?
  3. yes! please let us know how it works?
  4. Hello everyone. My new Countryman came with a little road rash on a couple of the wheels and I am looking for someone to either in Maryland or a mobile service that can come to me. Any recommendations?
  5. One thing you can say about Porsche, and the 911 in particular, I don't care if it is a 1966 a 1982 1993 2022 you know its a Porsche and you know its a 911...
  6. I am just beginning my love affair...But every time I look out and see the BRG beauty sitting there it makes me smile. I take the long way just to get a little more time behind the wheel...
  7. So my new (to me) F60 comes from PA where front plates are not a thing. The dealer gave me one of the stock front plate brackets, but I don't think I am so keen on poking holes in my beautiful car's bumper. How many peeps have experience with the Platypus? Does it work well? Any other suggestions worth looking into?
  8. Made it home about 8pm…roads were clear and all went well. There are a couple of new to me used car gremlins I need to work out and such…pics to come.
  9. Ok, if the weather gods are kind, I will go up to PA tomorrow and pick up my first Mini, a new to me 19 F60 S All4 in BRG. If not, then it will be Tuesday. Can't wait, going to have to pick a name. I have had Audis and Volvos who were all female (a couple of each). None of my other cars have had names...For some reason Nigel or Trevor are both coming to mind, but I will wait until I pick it up and drive it a bit...
  10. I asked this in an earlier thread, but not sure if people would see it. Can anyone steer me toward a good Mini friendly place to get a MD inspection done? My first Mini is very likely coming in the very near future.
  11. So in this vein, can anyone recommend a Mini friendly place to get a Maryland inspection? It looks like I will be bringing something home from PA in a few days and will need to get the car inspected to get it registered.
  12. So I have been a bit of an anglophile and a British car geek since birth -- My first car was a 1968 MGB and I also had a 1967 B. I have been on a LONG hiatus from British cars, but that hasn't kept me from salivating every time a Mini drives by. My wife and daughter know that quiet little "I want a mini!" that comes out under my breath every time I see one. Well, I am closer than I have ever been. I am currently shopping for my first Mini. The target is a 2018/19/20 Countryman S All4 in BRG. I am working on a couple of options, and hope to be there in the next week or two. I am loving the site. There is just a ton of great info here!!
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