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Past Club Member
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About VaMike

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    First Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
  • Interests
    Gadgets, Travel, Dog Training, Reading and now Motoring!
  • Occupation


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S Roadster
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Chili Red
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
  1. I was driving by PMOA yesterday, top down, and stopped short at the light to let a BRG roadster on a test drive out of the drive in front of me. As we both waited the better part of a minute facing each other and less than 20 feet apart I waved out the top, out the side, gave them a goofy grins - nothing <eyes roll>. Will keep it up. Glad to hear persistence eventually wins them over! ...Mike
  2. Wow. Nice!
  3. Congrats!
  4. Just walked back to Rigsby after finishing brunch at La Casa in Foxchase (on Duke in Alexandria) to find a silver R59 had joined him. Nice! No custom tag or badges but I tagged him with a card. There were parking spots available other than this one in the back of the lot, so I'm pretty sure Silver made a point of sidling up. ...Mike
  5. Hey Steph, thanks for the clarification. Lisa, hope you don't mind that we stole a pic with your Mini - beautiful! Look forward you meeting you sometime soon. ...Mike
  6. Yes, I think his name is Brian, but I haven't met him yet.
  7. We saw UKSWAG in the BJ's parking lot next to PMOA and had to stop for a pic. Beautiful classic Mini!
  8. I took Rigsby to the touchless wash on Duke this evening. On the way I passed a woman on S Pickett in a black R56 "DEX" with bonnet stripes who saw my wave and gave a nice smile back. At the car wash I fell into line behind a nice orange R52 that could have been related to Tigger! I was about eighth in line. While we waited the driver walked back to say hi and asked if she could see my boot. I opened it up and out popped Tav! She said, "So, that's what happened to the back seat!" We had a nice chat that made the wait seem shorter. She wasn't aware of the club so I gave her a card. ...Mike
  9. Just spotted in LA area near the beach: Blue hard top/black stripes with tag "GOLDN" ...belonging to Gracie Gold. (via NBC coverage) Gracie was driving her MINI away from the camera at the top of Apolo Ohno's interview with her, shot in Los Angeles prior to the games. It aired for the second time about 8:15pm tonight. You might be able to find it online. ...Mike
  10. Hey! Yes that was me! You discovered my morning breakfast spot (Panera), though I was running a bit late today. I usually sit next to the front window. Feel free to come and drink coffee with me! Every once in a while I will see another CR S Roadster parked in this same lot in front of Staples. I've tagged it before but I don't think the owner wants to come out and play. We must be persistent! …Mike
  11. Had a great time this morning - especially the double loops through the capital roundabouts and tourists! Thanks everyone. Looking forward to next weekend's dinner now! ...Mike
  12. I have an extra walkie if someone needs it. I'll also bring some extra Quick Detailer and micro fiber cloth if anyone needs it. Miguel won't be able to attend with Mickito because of work. :-(
  13. The Land Rover I had before Rigsby had a set of Hella off road lights - loved the way they looked both on and off. At the seven year mark the solid state high current relay that controlled them failed. The lights simply wouldn't turn on. I passed inspection for a few more years before one inspector told me he would fail the vehicle unless I put covers on the lights even though they wouldn't come on under any circumstances. Glad I kept the covers in the back! I popped them on and passed. I keep Rigsby's driving light covers in the boot side storage just in case. ...Mike
  14. Driving west on Eisenhower around noon today with the top down we spotted a light blue clubby with bike racks coming from the other direction. We gave a big wave with hands out the top and got an enthusiastic wave back. We definitely get better responses with the top down. Still waiting for someone to throw beads! ;-) ...Mike
  15. Rigsby found two pals in the Hoffman Theatre parking lot this evening. "Room4T" looked very nice with the carbon scoop! Miguel wants to put white stripes on Mickito like those on the countryman.
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