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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. I left them on, it actually turned out really easy for the pieces that I did, with the exception of one piece (i'll have that redone soon). I want to do the center console, but that I think needs to come off with all the tight corners.
  2. soo much patience.. and my fingernails are tore up..
  3. thats too funny
  4. Thanks to Nick for stopping by at lunch for the inspiration. Thanks to you my blow dryer got a work out stretching this stinkin vinyl. :stupid: :banghead: :rock:
  5. on the steering wheel
  6. I cant seem to see the photos
  7. Hey Laura, I just wanted you to know how thrilled we are with the quality we received from you.. I WANT MORE!! and I will work with you again on another project.
  8. I had Carlos at SolarSolutions do it for me- (Great JOB!!) I do work off Shaw Rd in Sterling- THATS ME@!!
  9. how well has the plasti-dip held up for you?
  10. A picture Of NUTTY with some sweet tinting-
  11. I feel the same way. I want so many different things. I will try my best tondraw something clear enough for you
  12. Not really crafty with computers.. If I drew something up on paper would you be able to work with it?
  13. white looks gooooood
  14. ill shoot something over to you within tge week. what is the biggest availasble design?
  15. How does this work, do I just email you a design, you print, and I pay you via...?
  16. Can you print us out some stuff that is not necessarily MINI related? I might be interested in both:top:
  17. Bummer I completely forgot about this:stupid:
  18. dont know what it's for, but looks cool :rock:
  19. Holy Moly~!!! KW for Countryman All4 is $2400!!!!!
  20. Were going to head down to the vinyard. If there are people headed down tomorrow morning and are willing to meet at that sheetz let me know! I'll be that guy driving a light white mccs. :rock: Hopefully I'll have my carbon fiber vinyl stripes by then!! Installs today and I can't wait~@!!!!
  21. Sheets off 29? near 66?
  22. Where is everyone going to meet from Northern Virginia area to drive down to Cooper Vinyards? Any place determinted? We are pretty sure we'll be able to make the trip down.
  23. Canon ROCKS!~:rock:
  24. Too Much Fun. I am looking to tint my windows soon. Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe group tint?
  25. haha, I can't wait to top it off with tinted windows~! Hopefully next weekend:idea:
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