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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. That did look a little labor intensive-
  2. That looks solid! BOOM
  3. I'll definitely pick up one or more of the white if you have any left.. I was planning on striping the sides with a "ghost" matte white- Think that will look good.. When are you available?
  4. Thanks~! Not sure if I should keep it black, or get PD White and keep a more blended look. For now, It works! Man I wish I could of joined you guys on last weekends run... bummed out about that-
  5. Well, Nutty got a few more mods done today- Pics below~! :top: Prep work takes the longest... PD Overload.. I put that baby on thick- PD Bumper guard- I couldn't bear myself to pay $$$ for a bumper guard.. Nutty Washed and ready for some great fall weather- A good waxing tomorrow-
  6. Wow, that looks so solid. Love that look. Can't wait for nutty to get dropped.. someday..someday.....
  7. Man I gotta install mine asap..
  8. INSTALLED!!! Really easy. However the two plastic rivots behind the sidemarkers had me confused for about 5 minutes.. Completely changes the front end in my opinion.. Very happy about the front end splitter.
  9. Man that looked real good. do it again~!!!!
  10. I ordered MoS Front Splitter (Lower front bumper). I'm going to remove original front bumper plastic, keep the clips, and install the new ones. But I also ordered 4 rivots (i guess i need them). So I have a few questions..
  11. Let me know when your doing your air splitter, I'd like to have mine done within the week or two.. and It would be great to get a general idea of how it' works.. I'm sure the clips are placed differently, but I can't imagine it be that hard.. A few of the Folks at NAM have already done it. Splitters look sweet~!!!
  12. Plasti-dip someones face... wooooooo~~~~~ NICK!
  13. I had so much fun with this MOCO trip~! I will try and throw up some ph otos up on photobucket soon. My kids had a blast... although, getting there on the run... My son says.. "dad roll down the window... I'm gonna throw up.." Great run
  14. Man forgot to reserve..... I'm assuming I'm too late..
  15. speechlessssss
  16. thats a sweet photo~!
  17. One of my favs-
  18. awwww man that bikes looks like a beast~! 2 tone is always a winner
  19. It's actually very easy.. I'm just a booger for perfection.. youtube "plasti-dip" you'll see some cool applications.
  20. PLASTI DIPPED 2 stripes on the drivers side... But it kinda bubbled up on one of them, so I'll have to have that redone this weekend... blah... 3rd time plasti dipping.
  21. I know can't really see them, but I hope to take a better photo this weekend.
  22. Hey Laura, Could you send me your email again, I'd like to forward artwork to you. The total dimensions need to be 23" x 7" But one will just say "infinity" the additional part will be of our logo. You'll see once I forward the logo to you!:top:
  23. Has anyone on this forum purchased just the front splitter for the countryman? It's the front part of the aero kit. I would be interested in the entire kit if it wasn't crazy in pricing. MoS is offering me just the front for $137 plus parts = 218.00. This seems pretty easy to install but I'd like to see if anyone here has had any experience with this.
  24. what exactly does hubcentric do? Just push the wheels out to the edge of the car? That would look goood.. does it in anyway mess the with stability or damage the wheels?
  25. I got 35s all around. I like that single uniformed look. I've passed about 20 state troopers on 95/66/64 this past weekend.. 1 even parked right next to me at a gas station. He looked, smiled and walked away. Maybe I'm just lucky.. :rock::motor:
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