I realized that I goobered up on the Kuda install a couple days ago. I had some serious issues getting the mounting of the speedometer to sit correctly (I still am!), so I'm going to bring it to Mach V for the Kuda install, the WMW BOV install, and the NM Engineering Torque Arm install. All are pretty cheap things that I know I could do myself, but after the heart attacks I've been having while looking at my dash, I feel compelled to have the pros do it. Honestly, you can barely tell that it isn't sitting right, but I just want Stella to be a beauty.
Also, Stella stalled out last week, so I brought her to the dealer (she had a service light on too), and they replaced my HPFP, which I was really, really pleased with, because I know it's a known issues.
I'm still a bit queezy about doing any more noticeable mods, like exhaust or intake for warranty reasons, so I'd still love to hear from people who have modified their car and haven't had any issues with Passport Mini.