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Everything posted by ORazor

  1. This will probably end up being a gametime decision for the SWMBO and I. I hope we make it!
  2. I wish I had paid better attention when I drove the 2007 MCS JCW. I've heard so many people say that they didn't like the sound of their aftermarket exhausts...
  3. Have I mentioned how much I love you guys? Do you all think that an 07 MCS JCW package sounds similar to a factory 09 JCW?
  4. Thanks for the confirmation Craig. Does anyone in the club have a straight 2007 MCS JCW Package? I did drive one a couple weeks ago, but I was in such shock from the aftermarket suspension that I didn't really pay attention to the engine noise. Adding the JCW package would make all my warranty issues disappear - I'd probably just like to see what the noise would be like.
  5. Hey all. I'm sorry I missed this. I have a Sig 226R, .40 - any chance of this happening again?
  6. Craig - that's the stock MCS exhaust, right? As usual, you've proven to be an unbelievable font of knowledge. "Proximate cause" - that's lawyer language we're talking now As a soon to be lawyer, though, I'm probably a bit more risk averse, and I'm likely unduly worried about they types of tenuous claims of causation that a dealer might put forth to escape reimbursing.
  7. So... I ran into this thread - http://reviews.carreview.com/mini-cooper-s-one-ball-exhaust-upgrade Notice the curvy characteristic of the exhaust. Is that really how the 2007 MCS stock exhaust looks? If so, that ain't what I have. Any ideas on how I would go about figuring out what I have? Is there a spot that usually has a makers mark?
  8. Yes! Thanks!
  9. I'm pretty sure that we have the same rims, but I'm having trouble finding a link to ones that look exactly like ours. Google fail!
  10. Do you know the name of those rims? I have the same ones, and my wife adores them.
  11. Yeah, I hear you kind of need to be on your game when you're on the Dragon. Perhaps I should just make sure to pen it in for next year. Although, I'd like to be called Kind MINIac. Might be worth it :rock:
  12. Update: I realized that I goobered up on the Kuda install a couple days ago. I had some serious issues getting the mounting of the speedometer to sit correctly (I still am!), so I'm going to bring it to Mach V for the Kuda install, the WMW BOV install, and the NM Engineering Torque Arm install. All are pretty cheap things that I know I could do myself, but after the heart attacks I've been having while looking at my dash, I feel compelled to have the pros do it. Honestly, you can barely tell that it isn't sitting right, but I just want Stella to be a beauty. Also, Stella stalled out last week, so I brought her to the dealer (she had a service light on too), and they replaced my HPFP, which I was really, really pleased with, because I know it's a known issues. I'm still a bit queezy about doing any more noticeable mods, like exhaust or intake for warranty reasons, so I'd still love to hear from people who have modified their car and haven't had any issues with Passport Mini.
  13. Having both would have been cool. I suspect you could probably just pop the Mini in the back seat...
  14. Re: stereo I'm pretty sure an aftermarket stereo is fine, at least in my warranty. I'm more worried about putting in an exhaust and have them not replace a failed transmission because of the extra power, or something like that.
  15. Perhaps you guys can help me with that - I'll be doing all my maintenance at Passport Mini of Alexandria. Have any of you had issues with getting warranty work done post-modification there? Thanks!
  16. It was great meeting everyone!
  17. I'm here! Edit: reading is essential. I thought the start time was 9am....:idea:
  18. I'll just be starting a new job, so I would have to drive down on Friday afternoon, get in at 3AM, and then drive back Sunday. What do you think - worth it? Another consideration - convincing SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed).
  19. QFT. Contractors, in my opinion, get a pretty bum deal quality of job wise. Unless you're a proper consultant, being paid to advise, etc, and not just filling a seat.
  20. I'm not worried about that at all, actually. You can always just unplug it before you go to the dealer!
  21. Thanks for the great info. The only issues I see are: 1. I'd like to be able to flash back to stock before I take it to the dealer. I don't think you have that control in your scenario. 2. Whenever the ECU is accessed by the dealer, don't they reset it? Does that mean you have to keep going out to Mach V? Thanks again!
  22. I will until Feb 17th, when I start terminal leave! 4 years in the basement of the Pentagon as a junior officer was enough!
  23. This is why I live there! You can find me not on the Queen's street, but her daughter's!
  24. Spotted: What: A black Justa Mini Cooper with white racing stripes sporting the DC Metro Minis sticker in the rear. Where: Pentagon North Parking Who was it? I was about 10 cars over!
  25. Today I installed a Kuda Mount (pic from the web) The directions are a 3 step process, which seemed too good to be true. It was. It took me 3 hours and the help of a friend, but I was finally able to remove almost the entire dash of Stella, seat the mount, and put the dash back in. Check out this thread, which chronicled how difficult it was - http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/interior-exterior/110837-installing-a-kuda-mount-in-the-r56.html Now, that said, I have a sweet mount, and I was pretty much able to get the screws back in (though I am still having issues with the ones in the air vents). Whew. I might just leave this on the car if I ever sell it.
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