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Everything posted by mdsbrain

  1. I hope I'm in the correct parking lot. Anyone else here?
  2. I want the weather to hold off!!
  3. Ok I'll watch the thread I really hope the weather holds.
  4. I just had some dents fixed you think they will show up in the pics? Lol
  5. Bright flashlights? Anything else you need?
  6. Thank you Edge for putting on this event!!
  7. Great because we know Tiggers are meant for (bouncing) runs!!
  8. Down pipe done also ? Awesome work again by Ptuning!
  9. Ahh more stuff to keep my mind off work. More MOTD ACTION!!
  10. My 2012 just rolled over 41K and I'm not seeing any issues related to carbon buildup on my N18 motor, but think this is on my to-do list.
  11. Woot woot!! Can't wait to see this year's theme.
  12. 1 shirt to go now, just bought 2!!
  13. Clutch is considered a wear and tear item usually. I have the MINI Maintenance program to 100K and just hope if the clutch goes they say its worn.
  14. This video with the swearing and difficulty reminds me of most of my usual car modding adventures.
  15. We still have several tint spots available for folks and plenty of space to enjoy some good MINI chat.
  16. At this rate we are going to hit 100 people the first day. Woot!
  17. Get some sleep and sign up in the am.
  18. Can't wait the countdown continues.
  19. If you get the ones that are simply modified OEM lights there is no drilling. If you find ones that come with wires those need drilling. But I can only speak about 2nd gen cars.
  20. I purchased and set and they installed in my R56 in a few moments. I only had to rotate the logo to my liking. :top:
  21. Wahoo try removing the battery, clean the connectors and charging. I had one that had battery corrosion on the connections.
  22. Can raffle tickets be purchased at MINI of Alexandria or at lunch ? I won't be making the lunch.
  23. Every Saturday the MOTD email update comes out I get more and more excited. Leave approved - check Wish list of mods - check Cabin booked - check Finding money for the above - searching
  24. Sweet Shirts ordered (via PM) :rock:
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