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Everything posted by mdsbrain

  1. I managed some pics of my N18 with 103k on the clock. I was told it might not need the cleaning but I’m glad I got it done.
  2. Sent my info. 7/14 is good for me. Would they be able to do a bunch of cars on that day? Then we come at a scheduled time for hang out old pulley party style?
  3. I’m interested MY12 R56 with 102k on the clock and never had it done.
  4. I just emailed him again. Email can be a pain and it could of been lost in the Spam filter.
  5. I'm good with the spot I have. Once he responds for payment then I'm all set.
  6. I emailed him this week and haven't heard back yet. I'm sure he'll get to us in the week before the event.
  7. I emailed Mike and will pay him shortly. It's about time I get some of these things fixed on my car. :top:
  8. Forge where are you out of?
  9. In MD I'd had great results with Bob McConkey of Dent Busters. Happy to give out his info.
  10. If you enjoy the area come out for the C3M crab run on sept 6. Anyone in DCMM Is welcome to join.
  11. Naw it was more like the special edition Cm that comes all blacked out. Saw him in the Bowie area recently.
  12. Anyone know a African-American young guy driving a tastefully blacked out CM running around Maryland? I've seen him twice, he is friendly and always waves.
  13. Wow what a low mileage car! Welcome and happy motoring!
  14. It's a $250 part and some experience to install it.
  15. Right I heard I was one of 6 people who lost theirs at MOTD.
  16. Mine went at about 44K while I was @ MOTD. :banghead:
  17. I've heard the same so I've put them off till the price makes me buy them.
  18. I prepacked the majority in the MINI and enjoying a 1" drop.
  19. I feel like I need to pack the car so that I know it's done. Too worried I'll forget something and with it in the car my mind will be at ease. Ahhhh
  20. I am just tidding up projects and trying to be useful. It's very very hard!!
  21. The dragon has 1000 people registered!! Second largest yet!
  22. Lot C by the bridges but are coming towards Hains area
  23. I examined the map closer and hope we are in the lot now. Passed Cricket
  24. I'm by the golf course
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