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Everything posted by GotMINI

  1. Did you buy your LSD from them ? If so, what was the cost for parts and installation if you don't mind me asking ? I have been seriously think about getting one. Most online prices I have found are at $1075, but I did find one sight for $971. Geno
  2. Where are they located ? Geno
  3. Is this the solution you were given on NAM ? Link Below. If not, try this. DSC/RUN FLAT light problem due to STEERING ANGLE SENSOR - MINI ... If it is your Steering Angle sensor, I would be willing to part with my extra one. $75 sound fair ? PM me and I'll give my Cell #. Geno
  4. It also happened to me a little over a year ago. But be careful though. I had my Steering Angle Sensor replaced, and I vowed not to talk bad about the Mini dealer in the area ! I didn't even get out of the parking lot and my DSC warning light came back on. After they took it back into the Bay, and an hour and a half later, they said just run it for 100 miles and it will clear. Come to find out it was the DSC Pressure Sensor all along. Needless to say, I still have my old Steering Angle sensor that is in perfect working order. Geno
  5. Those are your Tire Pressure warning light, your DSC Traction Control and your Anti Lock Brake System warning lights. You may have a bad Steering Angle Sensor and/or DSC Pressure Sensor. Check your tire pressure and then there should be a button down by your handbrake that you push and hold until the Tire Pressure light blinks and resets itself. Try that and then turn off the ignition and restart the engine and see if they all clear. If not you may have a bad Steering Angle Sensor or bad DSC Pressure Sensor. Geno
  6. You can go to Mynes/Byteronik on the internet. You can join their forum and get a more thorough description of their product. Here is the price but, they want you to buy 550 injectors, but you don't need them. I would reccomend either going to 380's or 440's. That's what I have heard through other Mini Heads out there. Well, as the release date is coming around the corner, it's only fair that we announce the pricing for the Bytetronik MINIFlash FullAccess Tuning Software. Item Description Regular Price Packaged Price 1 MINIFlash Tuning Kit* $750.00 $750.00* 2Bosch 550cc Injectors with connectors $325.00 $275.00 3OBD II Extension Cable (6-feet) $15.00 $12.00 4DataViewer Software to view your datalogs $100.00 $65.00 5Innovate #3844 (MTX-L) Wideband Kit $199.00 $185.00 6Innovate #3812 (Serial Patch cable) $13.75 $12.00 7Previously "Mynes Tuned Customers" -$200.00** Geno
  7. There is a company Called Mynes/Bytetronik that has a MiniFlash FA53 Tuning Kit for the R53. Here is it's capabilties; MINIFlash FA53 is a complete tuning kit that allows end-user to perform the following tasks: 1. Have complete access to the mapping inside the ECU with the ability to adjust over 30+ parameters that pertain to Air/Fuel, power delivery and drivability. 2. Have the option to make unlimited maps for various fuel types and perform map-switching via the use of your laptop on one VIN (one vehicle only) on the end user version. 3. Have the ability to Data-log 30+ parameters via the OBD Port for trouble-shooting and performance monitoring. 4. Have the ability to Read Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and Clear them (unlimited vehicles). 5. Have the ability to Clear ECU Adaptations (unlimited vehicles). Feature 1: ECU Adjustments. This allows the user to adjust the mappings inside the ECU and tune the engine to maximize the fuel that’s being used. Once you are satisfied with tune, you can save the map and reload it back into the ECU at any given time. This is only for one vehicle only and the cable stores the vehicle's VIN. Feature 2: Map Switching. Once the maps are made (typically for 91 Octane, 93 Octane, 100 Octane, Methanol or E85 fuel), then you can simply switch it back by loading the particular map that best suits the situation. For instance, if you are currently running E85 but there are no E85 stations to be found nearby, then it would be wise to get your laptop out, load the “pump gas” map once you fill it up at the next gas station. In addition, you might want to clear the Adaptation while you’re at it. Feature 3: Data Logging. If you want to see how the car is running while you’re driving. Simply disconnect the USB cable from the MINIport device (while leaving it connected to the car’s OBD-II port), and the data-logging feature is now active. Blinking red/green/blue lights indicate that the MINIport is actively logging 30+ parameter at 8 samples-per-second, and all this information is stored on the onboard micro-SD card. To view the logs, simply connect the USB cable to the MINIport device and you will see the data on your laptop (it will show up as a “Removable Storage Drive”). Feature 4: Read DTCs and clear them. Is your MINI throwing a Check-Engine Light? Well, instead of reaching for the OBD Scanner, why not just turn on your laptop and see what’s causing the code. And once you find out what the code is about, you can always clear it thru the FA53 software. You can also use this function on other MINI owner vehicles too. Feature 5: Clearing Adaptations. Is your car running sluggish lately? Well, check out the data-log and see if there’s anything that looks unusual. What about the “Long Term Fuel Trims”? Is the ECU learning some of your bad habits and over-compensating? If so, simply go to the FA53 GUI and clear the adaptation values. With the MINIflash, you don’t need a BMW Factory tool (GT1 or Autologic) to perform this task… simply select a command in FA53 and turn off the ignition for 5 minutes for permanent changes, then you should be good to go Geno
  8. I have had ALL of my work done at Bilbo Automotive. 4938 Eisenhour Ave #A Alexandria, 703-461-3118. Talk with Belen. Mention me, and DCMM. It is a family business, they are meticulous in their work. They Race, and Own 3 Race cars, so Carlos and Gorka know their stuff ! And they don't nickle and dime you ! If you are let's say, installing a Super Charger pulley, and you replace the belt, they don't charge you for two jobs. It is one charge. They charge $90/hr for labor. And they are extremely honest. Less than Mini, and very competative with all other shops in price but, A more family feel !!! I recomend Highly!! Geno
  9. B&M will fit all OEM shift knobs.
  10. I have also heard that some short shifters on the market can have unwanted vibrations that transfer to the shifter. I do not have that with the B&M.
  11. I have a B&M short shifter and I LOVE IT !!!! The throw is much shorter (about 30-40%) and very smooth. It makes your tranny feel very tight when shifting. I got mine online for $45 on e-bay. They can run up to $125. I definitely reccomend. You can keep your original shifter cover and not have to worry about any modifications. It installs directly. Geno
  12. Thanks for the info. I am definitely interested in having my MCS tuned when/ and if he comes out to do so. Count me in.
  13. I considered them but, I looked at their website and I noticed that they do not have one MINI that they advertise that they have tuned. Evo's or Talons are their speciallty.
  14. Does anyone know of any reputable shops in the area that does ECU/Dyno tuning and has a history with MINI's ?
  15. The Alta Access Port Tuner is a Great Idea but, it does not work with the R/53 models. They don't make one for the R/53's. Only 2007 Minis and newer.
  16. I installed my Sprint Booster on my 03 R/53 MCS about a year ago. I was skepitcal at 1st. It took 5 minutes to install. You will feel the Immediate throttle response ! Off the line, Mid range RPM's, you can definitely tell the difference when you punch it. If your driving on the track at constant high RPM's, that is not what it's for. It works well, I am glad I installed it on my car. The whole purpose of the Sprint Booster is so you don't have to push your pedal, harder/faster/further ! You just go faster/quicker !! Even with a good ECU tune, there still is a slight lag in throttle response. The Sprint Booster gives you a more crisp throttle response, period ! My opinion. Come by, I'll let you install mine on your car, you tell me ? Geno
  17. Well I can give you an example: December of last year I brought my Mini to PMoA, I had my DSC warning light on. They diagnosed it as Steering Angle Sensor. $126 Diagnostic fee, right off the bat. Steering Angle Sensor $337.08, Labor $455.50. Ok, it needs to be done. I waited for my vehicle, nice accomodations, 3+ hour wait. In the interim, my service manager comes to me and says you have a couple of small Oil leaks, Valve Cover Gasket, Oil Pan Gasket, and Oil Cooler "O" Rings, $1406.84 parts and labor. No thank you at this time. I finally get the ALL Done from the service manager. They even washed my car ! I'm happy, their happy. I get into my car, start it up ! DSC warning light is on !! They take it back into the bay, 1-1/2 hrs later. They can't find the problem. I am told "Take it home, it should clear itself in a few miles". I take my vehicle home, warning light does not go off. 3 days later I find Bilbo Aotomotive. I take my car in to them, they diagnosed that the DSC Pressure Sensor was bad. No diagnosis charge ! Pressure Sensor $139.23 Labor $100 ! Now I am sitting on a Steering Angle Sensor (I always take my old parts) Was it bad in the 1st place ? ? Or was it just the DSC Pressure Sensor ? Regarding my small Oil leaks, I took my vehicle back to Bilbo to put in my new clutch (I purchased the clutch myself) In the process of replacing clutch, they pulled the tranny, replaced the tranny fluid (just because it was out) with Texaco MTF94 fluid (try to find this on the internet) charged me for fluid only, $44.72. checked out my leaks. surprise, the only leak they found was the Oil Cooler "O" Rings, $8.38 parts, I had them go ahead and replace Valve cover Gasket as well, $35. Oil Pan Gasket was dry as a Bone ! Total charge for New Clutch installation, service Tranny, replace Valve Cover Gasket and O rings was $1260.46 Wow, PMoA wanted $1406.84 just for the Oil leaks. Has anyone had a new clutch installed at Mini ? How much was that ? Parts and Labor ? I'm curious. I understand that some would prefer to go to a dealer, especially if you are under warranty. Your choice. But not my preference ! Dealers are looking to charge for every hr of labor they can. That's where they make their money. Oh by the way, if your (small) shop purchases any parts for your vehicle through Mini, Mini has to honor that part under their warranty, if the part is ever faulty.
  18. Ok, Everyone, I am Sorry !! I have been holding back, I have been taking my Mini to one specific shop. Off of everyones radar ! Bilbo Automotive 4938-A Eisenhour Ave Alexandria, 703-461-3118 Speak to Belen. I have had ALL of my Mods done at this shop. I found it through my After Market Warranty Co. I went to Passport Mini, they Suck!!! I won't go into all the details but, they charge you for as many hours of labor they can !! Not to mention Mark Up on Parts. Bilbo is a family owned (Two Brothers and Sister) they own and race 3 cars, they work on everything from Porsche, to Mercedes. They are maticulous in their work!! Get an Oil change at Passport Mini, What is it ? $128, I think I paid $56 with Mobil 1 Synthetic + Filter. They Diagnose your car, No charge! What does Mini charge you ? $100+ ? Right now, their hourly labor rate is $75/hr. They are thinking of raising it after January 1st. If you are going to have multiple Mods done to your car, they do not charge you for each individual bit of work, their philosophy, if they have apart, they will do it all at once. One Time Hourly Charges, Negotiate. This shop, the best! Tell Belen, I referred you as a DC Metro Minis member. They are looking forward to having more Minis as their clients. I hope All have a great Christmas season. Geno !
  19. Is anyone looking for a M45 Supercharger Core ? I have one, will sell for $250.
  20. FYI to All, Goss' Garage does the Carbon service for $198 All Cars. Usually while you wait. By appointment. Geno
  21. Go to Goss' Garage.com He is very highly recomended ! He has been with Motorweek (TV Show) for 20+ years. He offers the complete line of BG services. His shop is in Seabrook MD. You'll never find a more honest and reasonable shop, period !! He can do the complete carbon service, and then you can just add a can of BG44K in your tank every 6 months. I swear by it.
  22. Try BG44K in your tank every 6 months.
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